The Pencil-Less Bank- A Frightening New Millennium Story

The future has arrived and it’s a nightmare!

Joan Gershman
Crow’s Feet


Photo property of the author

Banks are like everything else in the 21st century- unrecognizable from anything related to what we knew in the previous millennium. Today’s banks are mostly empty with very few tellers behind the long counters, as most banking is conducted online.

There are empty desks where helpful agents used to sit because the banking business with those agents is now by appointment only.

One Walmart-type door greeter asks customers entering the bank what business brought them into the bank that day and leads them to where they need to go.

I walked into this new millennium bank, looking around the cavernous, empty lobby for an employee to show me where I could find Ms. Hernandez, with whom I had an appointment to discuss opening a new account.

Seemingly out of nowhere, the aforementioned perky “Walmart Type Greeter” appeared, asking how my day was going and if he could help me with anything. When I stated my business, he directed me to a walled-off cubicle, behind which sat Ms. Under-Age-35 Hernandez, at the cleanest, shiniest, barest desk I had ever seen. Aside from a giant TV-sized computer monitor, there was NOTHING on that desk. Not a cup filled with pens and pencils; not a pad of…



Joan Gershman
Crow’s Feet

2 X TOP WRITER; Retired Educator; Speech/Language Therapist; English Teacher;;; writer; Vocal Writer