Nancy Peckenham
Crow’s Feet
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3 min readFeb 16, 2021


We’ve made it through more than half the winter and now the promise of spring revives our hopes. Added to the knowledge that the snow and ice will be melting is the promise of a Covid-19 vaccine that lifts our spirits even more.

Crow’s Feet writers are responding to this surge of energy, our words filled with optimism as we share our thoughts on aging.

For Retirees, A Winter Like No Other. Nothing changes a mindset like curtailed options by Jane Trombley

Naps Are the Reward. Greeting dawn changes everything by Louise Foerster

Beginning Again & Again. A poem by Dennett

Bread. Warm, With Butter. If I Were Truly Free by Eileen Vorbach Collins

Contraction.James Cobb, the drummer on Kind of Blue with the Miles Davis Sextet by Bill Stubblefield

I Refuse to be Invisible. I’m an older woman. Deal with it. By Carol Lennox

Love Eternal. Romance blooms in all seasons by Max K. Erkiletian

Shielding a Mother with Advanced Dementia during Covid. An amazing story of Humanity and Humility. The Scene (March 2020) by Catherine Verner MSc

Five Rewards of Doing Something Different Each Day That Are Especially Important for Seniors. Suggestions from A Seventyish Woman by Jean Anne Feldeisen

It’s About Time We Had a Middle-Aged Superhero. This morning I heard an interview with Salma Hayek by Laura Culberg

Never Stop Learning. The life of your mind is your legacy by Max K. Erkiletian

A Fake ID? At My Age? Know where I can get one? by Cindy Shore Smith

Ticking Along into the New Year. Further Dispatches from the Little Homestead in a Mobile Home Park by Jean Crawford Evans

Clothes, Fashion or Function? How the importance of clothes has changed as I grow older by Thewriteyard

Young People Have Advice for Old People — Listen Up! Forget what you’d tell yourself at age 20, what would your younger self tell older you now? by Mary DeVries

Yoga and Breathing Provide Natural Relief for Stubborn Menopause Symptoms. Twenty minutes a day can make a huge difference in how you feel by Rose Bak

The Empty Office. The old guy retires by Dennett

Returning to a Headstand Practice. Rediscovering Lessons from Childhood by Ren Powell

Pay Attention to How You Treat Your Body as You Age. It’s easy to get hurt if you’re completely oblivious by Christine Schoenwald

Anniversaries in the Cave. Today is the one year anniversary of my reluctant return to the U.S. by Nalini MacNab

Virtual Babies. A new trend? Or just a new way to embarrass myself? by Cindy Shore Smith

Small Change. “Change is the only constant” by Trude Diamond

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Nancy Peckenham
Crow’s Feet

Journalist, editor, mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, adventurer, history-lover. Editor of Crow’s Feet