Changing Anna Part 2, 6

“Aaron, do you still love me?” Was this going to be the result of letting myself experience the best sex of my life? Could he be convinced that it was good for both of us that I had done it?

B. D. Jonsson
Crush Hall Pass
7 min readJan 30, 2024


Photo by Artem Labunsky in Unsplash

This story is a continuation of Changing Anna. If you read those segments this story will make more sense. Here is a link for Parts 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Synopsis of the story so far.

Aaron sees Anna enter the grand old hotel with mixed feelings. He’s hurt because his wife has decided to have sex with another man but turned on because her behavior excites him so much. She’s become the ultimate sex symbol. Now he’s finding out just how much Anna has changed and is beginning to suspect things won’t ever be the same for them again. He wants to know all the details but Anna is afraid he can’t handle the type of sex she’s had. Now she‘s humiliated, wondering if she’s ever going to get fucked…and if Aaron can accept how it happens.

Oops, he doesn’t.

Changing Anna
Part 2

“Aaron, do you still love me?” It was all I could do to squeak that out when I was finally able to speak. I hated that I had to ask.

At first he stiffened like I’d hit him, but when he turned around his demeanor had changed and he had a concerned, almost sad look on his face.

“Anna,…oh Anna,” he stammered despondently, “sure I still love you. It’s just…I don’t know what to think. I mean, after you left and I finally accepted what you were going to, you know, actually do it with him, it turned me on imagining all the different ways he’d take you. But in that hole? That’s gross. How could he ever…?” He paused for what seemed like forever, sadly shaking his head. Finally, with a sigh he continued, “Anyway, then you had an orgasm while he was doing it. I’ve dreamed of you finally being able to come when we have sex. I even accepted you might with him. Jesus, Anna! Did he have to be in your ass when it happened?”

The look on his face clearly showed he still couldn’t believe it.

“Aaron,” I sniffed between my sobs, “I didn’t know I would. It wasn’t like I asked him to screw my ass. But it happened.”

My tears were drying up as I spoke, and as I thought about how incredible it had felt to have Jeff’s cock in there, I began to get upset.

I got up and faced him. “Dammit, Aaron!” I said, my voice rising as I spoke, “It was like nothing I’d ever felt in my entire life! You don’t understand! I almost blacked out I came so hard! I’m not going to be sorry it happened just because it upsets you.”

He looked startled by the force of my outburst, then a dawning comprehension flooded his features. I think, for the first time since I started telling him about it, he realized I’d actually enjoyed having Jeff’s cock up my ass.

“Anna, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything against you. It’s him I hate.”

Still feeling defensive I heatedly replied, “Well, I don’t. I’m glad he did it. I wish an experienced woman would seduce you. I’ll bet you’d be singing a different tune after she’d made you do what Jeff did to me. Maybe you wouldn’t be so upset now.”

“I don’t want another woman making me do stuff Anna. But I think I finally get what you’re saying. Maybe I don’t know a lot about sex. It’s only ever been just you and until now you didn’t know any more than I did.”

I decided not to push it any further. It was exhausting arguing with him and it wasn’t getting us anywhere. And I was so tired from my time with Jeff. All I wanted to do was sleep. That was the one thing we hadn’t done much of. At least Aaron wasn’t mad anymore. Maybe he could understand better now about Jeff.

“I’m tired Aaron. I guess Jeff wanted to get as much sex in as he could because we didn’t get much sleep. Every couple of hours I’d wake up to find his fat cock stuffed in my pussy. He was like that the entire time. Sometimes I’d see him getting hard from just looking at me, then we’d go at it again. I told you I had to stay naked in his room, didn’t I?”

Aaron was still dressed but I could see his hard dick had snaked down his leg. Jeff and I had talked about cocks; their sizes and shapes and how different each would have felt. He told me most men weren’t as big as him and that few were as long as Aaron. After we’d committed to each either and had begun exploring I’d measured his dick at almost nine inches. Jeff had said that was considered long for a cock. Seeing how turned on Aaron was now might mean I could tell him more than I’d first thought he’d want to hear.

“Do you want me to stop? There were other things he had me do that also might upset you.”

I thought he looked conflicted and it worried me. Then I realized that wasn’t it. Aaron was being distracted by my breasts. I looked down and realized my nipples had puffed out a whole lot, like when I was really aroused. Well, I was. Anytime I thought of Jeff I got that way. I didn’t tell Aaron that, but was glad they had. It seemed to help him accept what I was telling him. He couldn’t stop looking at them.

Finally he looked up and answered; his voice low, almost quivering, “I want to Anna. I’m not sure if I’ll like all of it but I feel like it wouldn’t be good for us if I didn’t know.”

“Let’s lay down then. Get undressed. I want to play with your cock while I tell you.”

After we’d gotten settled on our sides facing each other I continued to tell him what had happened.

“When we were in the shower he told me he would release me from my promise to submit to him. That startled me. I couldn’t see why he’d want me to leave now after I’d let him fuck my ass. But he explained he’d push me a lot more, that I’d be told to do things he suspected I’d never done or would want to do. He admitted very few women would trust him that much but he thought I could. I didn’t know until then he’d arranged for that old gentleman to do what he did to me. And fucking my ass had been another test. He said he almost didn’t do it because I was so scared. That’s when I noticed he had another erection. It made my pussy flip. God, I wanted that cock in me. I said I wouldn’t back out if he finally fucked my pussy, so he pushed me up against the shower wall and screwed me from behind. No getting used to it or anything. And hard Aaron. He just pounded into me, and it felt incredible! All those wonderful sensations he’d caused when he’d been in my ass were now radiating from my pussy. It only took a few minutes before I began to feel the tingle telling me I was getting close to an orgasm. He started rubbing my clit then and I just exploded. My body jerked around so much I could hardly stand. I was really glad he was holding me, especially when he came in me. Honey, that just caused it to go on longer. I can’t describe it. Never in a million years could I have imagined sex could be that good.”

Aaron was looking at me like he was a little irked. “And that’s it? He just fucks you so much better than me?”

I hesitated before answering, “Aaron, after we finished our shower he took me to his bed and ate my pussy until I came again. Then he fucked me in every position possible for the next two hours straight. Two hours! How long have we ever fucked? So yeah, he screwed me better than you ever have.”

Pausing, I waited for Aaron’s reaction, staring him down all the while. I wanted to get it through to his hard head that it was possible for us to have better, longer sex.

His response was to get off the bed and pick up the bag I’d brought back. Looking inside, he said, “He bought you clothes. You wouldn’t have needed them if you’d never left his room.” He dumped the two dresses Jeff had selected for me on the bed.

Looking determined he tossed one to me. “So, what was this one for?” I could tell he was still miffed at what I’d said about how good sex was with Jeff. His tone was almost accusing when he said, “Why don’t you put it on and tell me why you wore it.”

Oops. I was hoping he wouldn’t remember that bag.

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