Changing Anna Part 2, 7

Those dresses I’d worn when Jeff took me out. I’d done things that Aaron definitely wouldn’t accept. How much can I tell him?

B. D. Jonsson
Crush Hall Pass
12 min readFeb 6, 2024


Photo by Artem Labunsky in Unsplash

This story is a continuation of Changing Anna. If you read those segments this story will make more sense. Changing Anna

Synopsis of the story so far.

Aaron sees Anna enter the grand old hotel with mixed feelings. He’s hurt because his wife has decided to have sex with another man but turned on because her behavior excites him so much. She’s become the ultimate sex symbol. Now he’s finding out just how much Anna has changed and is beginning to suspect things won’t ever be the same for them again. He wants to know all the details but Anna is afraid he can’t handle the type of sex she’s had. Now she‘s humiliated, wondering if she’s ever going to get fucked…and if Aaron can accept how it happens.

Oops, he doesn’t. Now I’ve got to tell him about the dresses.

Changing Anna
Part 2

The dresses Jeff had selected for me were ones he thought would make me look and feel sexy. He was right, and the lustful stares I got when I wore them made my pussy tingle. Unfortunately, Aaron had always wanted me to be sensuous but also respectable. And the first style of dress did that, but without a bra and absent panty lines it also hinted I might be available.

I sighed as I prepared to slip that one on. It was the more moderate of the two and easy since it was a simple wraparound sleeveless dress that had only one hidden clasp and a tie on the side holding it together. Its cut created a revealing neckline that ended right below my breasts, while the slit on the mid-thigh hem curved in such a way as to expose more leg than many deemed respectable. Given that I wasn’t wearing underwear that transformed it into something almost inappropriate.

I put the dress on and spun around for him. “Jeff took me shopping for this right before we went to a swanky restaurant for supper. I wore it out of the store. It’s nice isn’t?”

Aaron almost snorted in derision. “If you were wearing underwear. He did buy you some, didn’t he?”

“No honey. He told me I looked more enticing without them. But remember, you didn’t want me to wear any either on our night out.”

That admission resulted in an embarrassed look before it was transformed by his raised eyebrow and barked, cynical laugh.

“True enough. But I didn’t intend for you to let anybody see your private parts. And your outfit was way more conservative than this one. I’ll bet he’s the kind of guy who’d like for you to flash your pussy. Was that the only reason he chose that particular dress?”

I pulled the fabric down so my breasts were emphasized, my engorged nipples jutting out against the thin fabric. The caress of the dress on my skin had added a sensuous feeling to every step I taken that day. I couldn’t believe how sexy it’d made me feel.

“No,” I replied, “I don’t think so. I think it was so I’d look desirable for his friends.”

I breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn’t asked if Jeff had bought me anything else that day, because he had. After he’d purchased the two dresses we’d gone to a little store filled with all manner of sex paraphernalia. It was the first time I’d been in one. As he showed me around he’d selected things he said would help me submit to him. First he’d chosen a blindfold. To heighten my awareness, he’d explained. Then he’d added a jeweled butt plug, saying wearing one would make it easier for him to take my ass again. I could understand that, kind of. But I was surprised when he’d selected a velvet collar with a matching leash and a pair of fur lined handcuffs. I’d never been restrained before and couldn’t comprehend how they would enhance the sex Jeff wanted to have. But he assured me I’d come to love wearing them, and I trusted him, so it didn’t worry too much about it.

Still, I didn’t want Aaron to know about any of that, so I was glad he’d focused on just the dress. Reflecting on what had happened that evening I could see why those other things had been perfect for what Jeff had planned too.

What we’d done on both the nights he’d taken me out stemmed from his observation early on of how inexperienced I seemed at fellatio. When I admitted my only sex partner had been my husband and that I’d been his first too, he’d commented, ‘So it has been the blind leading the blind.’ Then he’d cryptically said that it wouldn’t do, but wouldn’t explain further.

I guess that was why he took me where he did. I wondered how much I could reveal to Aaron, because Jeff had shared me with others then. My husband might have been reconciled to one other person having sex with me, but he certainly wouldn’t approve of my being indiscriminately used. And knowing I’d been handcuffed and led about by a leash most of the time would really have him blowing his top.

Playing it by ear seemed to be the safest way to go.

Taking a deep breath I began. “Jeff took me to an exclusive men’s club after we’d eaten. That surprised me because I wasn’t sure women would be welcomed there. He assured me in this instance it would be okay. I did get a few startled glances as we passed through the common area on the way to a room at the end of a short hall. He blindfolded me before we entered, saying my experience would be enhanced by not being able to anticipate what was going to happen. Then he led me some distance into the room and instructed me to remain there. I was going to be touched by some men, he explained, and I was to quietly accept whatever they did.

Aaron, I was scared! This wasn’t something I’d ever imagined Jeff would want me to do. I’m sure he could see my hesitation because I felt him take my hand, then tell me he’d be right there beside me and not to worry.

At first I was kissed by more than one person. They were all very gentle. I was also touched somewhere on my body; maybe on my neck or cheek, but sometimes they held me. Honey, it wasn’t just one or two. I couldn’t tell how many men there were! I just knew that when one stopped another took his place.

“Wait,” Aaron suddenly interjected, “different people?” How many are we talking about?”

“I don’t know, there may have been a lot or just a few who kept taking turns. Is that a problem? It was so confusing.”

“I guess not. But I don’t think much of a boyfriend who would share you with other men. They were all men weren’t they?”

I nodded. “I think so. They kissed like men and some had beards so I guess so. Anyway, I accepted their tongues when that’s what they wanted, even kissed them back that way. I’d never experienced anything even remotely like it, and I was quickly aroused. After about a dozen kisses my pussy was pulsing and soaked.”

Aaron interrupted again, “Was that it, just kissing? And that turned you on?”

“No, there was more. But yeah, I really liked it, I think partially because I couldn’t see. It seemed to magnify the experience. Every man was different in the way he did it and there seemed to be so many of them. And I learned a lot about how you could be kissed. By the time Jeff stopped it I didn’t want them to.”

I gazed at my normally gregarious husband. It looked for all the world like he was waiting for the other shoe to drop, dreading it I think. This had to be really disturbing for him. It should have shocked me too but after having accepted Jeff as my lover it didn’t.

I took a deep breath, hoping he could handle this next part, even though I planned to leave out the worst of it.

“As turned on as I was it still surprised and unnerved me when he removed my dress. Remember Aaron, I didn’t have any underwear on! And then he gave them permission to caress me. Honey, they put their hands everywhere. It was really embarrassing at first.

“Dammit Anna, he shouldn’t have done that! They shouldn’t have either. What was he trying to do, turn you into a whore?”

My anger flared as I stood facing him, hands on my hips, “They were all gentlemen, Aaron. I liked the way they treated me, even when they rubbed my pussy. They weren’t rough at all.”

He stiffened as if I’d slapped him, but then calmed down immediately. I could tell he was trying to keep from having another angry confrontation. Reaching out, I put my arm on his before I continued.

“Honey, they were just trying to arouse me. I guess Jeff must have told them to, and he seemed to trust them. They made me feel incredible! It was a little like the feeling I get when you’re being sweet and holding me, but a thousand times more intense. I can’t begin to describe it. They ignited such a need in my pussy I could hardly stand it.”

Aaron sat back down on the bed and stared at me in utter disbelief. He didn’t say anything, just looked like he couldn’t believe what I was saying.

I barely heard him mutter almost like a sullen child, “Some boyfriend. I don’t care how gentle they were, I’d never have let anyone put their hands on you.”

I really couldn’t understand his reaction, or why he referred to Jeff as my boyfriend. “Why are you calling him my boyfriend?” I asked, perplexed.

“He is, isn’t he? Seems like you’re been more affectionate with him than with me. To me that spells boyfriend.”

The accusing glare he gave me didn’t bode well for him accepting more of the other things that had happened with Jeff. I sighed inwardly. But as disgruntled as he was acting he wasn’t as hostile as he’d been earlier.

“Just let me get this over with, okay? You still don’t seem to get that what happened to me felt good. I almost wish you’d been there so you could have watched. It made me realize there is so much we need to learn about sex. I think Jeff and those men meant well. Anyway, it was a good experience. Just let it go at that, please?”

He stared at me for a moment, then nodded. It seemed I’d gotten through to him a little. It gave me hope I might be able to tell him more.

“Honey, he let them do more than put their hands on me. If I told you would it make you mad? It scares me when you get that way.”

“I’ve gotten angry because this whole thing should never have happened. I wish you hadn’t wanted to screw him so bad, but I didn’t think you’d have listened to me if I’d told you no.” He heaved a sigh of resignation before adding, “I guess I can keep it together no matter what they did. Go ahead.”

I heaved my own sigh, knowing he wouldn’t like what came next. In a way I couldn’t blame him for feeling that way. He was probably right about me too. I’d been so besotted with Jeff all I could think about was how great it would feel to have his cock in me. With a sigh I settled down beside Aaron on the bed, ready to absorb some more of his discontent.

“Jeff told me to get on my knees, then someone stepped in front of me and pressed his soft cock against my lips. Jeff told me to make him hard using just my mouth.”

I didn’t reveal to him Jeff had pulled on my leash to get me to kneel, or that he’d handcuffed my hands when he’d put the mask on earlier.

“I opened up and took his penis in as deep as I could. He wasn’t very big so I was able to take the whole thing. He began moaning as I sucked him, then told me to back off enough so I could use my tongue to stimulate right below his little pee hole. We’d never done that, so I was surprised when he began to grow. I didn’t try to move away when he held my head and began to gently thrust his cock in and out of my mouth. That finished getting him hard. I assumed he’d keep at it, but after only a few minutes he stopped and another man took his place. This guy didn’t get hard right away either, and I had a more difficult time because he was way thicker than the first one. Jeff intervened and told me what to do so he would. From then on each man would tell me what worked on them; different things that I would have never thought of. I lost count of how many cocks I sucked.”

I paused and placed my hand around Aaron’s now stiff member. He looked a little startled but didn’t say anything or ask me to stop. I couldn’t help but compare his cock to the ones I’d spent so much time sucking. His wasn’t as thick as Jeff or some of the others, but only one man had been longer.

I was suddenly struck by a thought. Why not give him a demonstration of what I’d learned from all those men? It might make him appreciate what had happened. I bent over and took him deep in my mouth. Aaron began to groan, especially when I started to rotate my hand as I jacked him. I did that a lot after Jeff had taken off the handcuffs. He’d also told me how to vary my speed and pressure on their cocks and how to cradle their balls. I did that with Aaron and he began acting the same as those men, so I knew what was going to happen next.

Suddenly I got the urge to tease him. “Feels good doesn’t it honey. Your wife knows how to suck cock because of my ‘boyfriend’ and all those men. You want to cum so bad, don’t you? Well, Jeff’s not here to tell me I can’t let you. Do it, Aaron. Fill my mouth.”

It was something I’d never let him do, but now I wanted him to — wanted it as much as I had wanted it from all those men. I quickly engulfed his cock in my throat over and over. I felt him stiffen beneath me. Then I wet my finger and pushed it in his ass. That brought an immediate reaction.

“Damn!” was all Aaron could get out before he flopped back on the bed and began to twitch like a current was coursing through him. I held my lips tightly over his cock’s bulbous head, disregarding the semen now spurting into my mouth. Sucking hard and using my tongue, I stimulated the sensitive spot right under his urethral opening. I was pleased to see him jerk even more, this time yelling ‘Anna, Anna!’ I wouldn’t let him go, but rode him like he was a bucking bronco, my mouth firmly attached to his broad cock-head. Then I grabbed his scrotum, trapping both his balls in my hand before pulling down hard. He arched his back off the bed, holding himself there as his body continued its convulsions, emptying the last of his sperm into my greedy mouth. After what seemed like forever he finally collapsed on the bed.

“Damn Anna. Is that what you learned from those men?”

“Uh huh,” was all I said, my mouth still firmly attached to the head of his cock.

I knew from my recent lessons he would be sated for a while. Now I wouldn’t have to give out any more details from that night; like being on all fours while Jeff led me by my leash to each waiting man. Even though my lover wouldn’t let them orgasm inside me I can’t begin to describe how heavenly it felt to be fucked by so many cocks. Almost all of them made me come. Jeff had said It was my reward for being such a good little slut.

I made a production of swallowing Aaron’s cum, then noisily licking my lips before crawling over and tenderly kissing him, being sure to use plenty of tongue. Jeff had always insisted I do that after he’d come in my mouth.

Aaron and I stretched out on the bed and kissed a while longer. When he finally did revive himself he sat up but didn’t say a word, just looked at me like I was some sort of goddess. He grabbed the other dress, held it up and asked rather meekly, “Does this one have a story attached to it too?”

Clap and comment if you enjoyed reading this. It was a particularly hard one to write, with many edits. I hope it was successful.

