Changing Anna 3

What have I done?

B. D. Jonsson
Crush Publications
6 min readDec 14, 2023


Photo by JEFERSON GOMES in Unsplash

Synopsis of the story so far.

Aaron’s beautiful wife is shy around others. His unorthodox solution is to convince her to flirt with strange men. It works. On vacation he convinces her it would be fun to see how her flirting skills could be applied to an attempted pick-up at a bar. Her mark is a well dressed old guy who knows his way around women. They know things aren’t going the way they planned when he kisses her.

You should read Changing Anna, and Changing Anna 2 first to feel the full impact that Aaron experiences.

Changing Anna 3

As far as I was concerned that kiss went on way too long. When her wannabe Don Juan broke it she just sighed and looked at him.

“I wasn’t expecting that,” she said softly. “Don’t you think it was a bit forward? After all, I really don’t know you.”

“But that hasn’t kept you from toying with me,” came his quick retort. “You’re obviously a flirt. Please don’t insult my intelligence by trying to deny it. Given that, I don’t think what I did was too forward. Any intelligent young woman should have been expecting it.”

Anna said nothing, just bowed her head a bit and switched her focus to her drink. It appeared she was deeply pondering his words. After a moment she lifted her head just enough to met his gaze. It was easy to see how sincere she was.

“Others, perhaps. I just know I was enjoying your company. I guess you could have construed my attention as flirting. Honestly, I’m not sure what I’ve been doing.” Anna sighed, and when she spoke again her tone reflected the confusion showing on her face. “It’s upsetting. I don’t think I’ve ever met a man quite like you. Everything about you intrigues me; the way you look, your mannerisms…”

As her voice trailed off into silence there seemed to develop a stillness between them that I found hard to define. Nothing else happened for a few minutes as they gazed deeply into each others eyes.

From my perspective it looked like things had reached an impasse, but it got me to thinking about what had just happened. An unplanned kiss with a stranger followed by that startling confession. Was Anna really feeling like that? He intrigued her? I breathed a nervous sigh, wondering how he planned to use that information.

Now I was getting afraid of what might happen next. The game wasn’t going as planned. Anna had become just too compliant with him. And while he may have looked and acted like a gentleman, I didn’t buy it. What this guy was thinking I couldn’t guess, but I suspected he wasn’t ready to back off after hearing what my wife had confessed.

I almost cringed when I saw his hand smoothly move to touch her at the sensitive spot at the base of her neck, pause a moment before stroking it, then trace the contour of her shoulder blade with his fingers. He stroked her there slowly back and forth, dragging the fabric of her blouse with him as he went, idly caressing her with a touch both light and sensual.

Anna didn’t stop him. Despite everything that had happened so far I was still astounded when she allowed him this additional intimacy.

“You are such a delicate creature,” I heard him smoothly intone.

I was pretty sure the alcohol Anna had consumed had left her venerable to compliments like that. And with his fingers caressing her so erotically, I was also guessing she was already partially under his spell. My wife really was an innocent when it came to this type of seduction. Nobody but me had ever touched her like that as far as I knew. Now a stranger was doing it with the clear intent of getting into her panties.

I wondered when she’d come to that realization. Maybe she already had and thought she could control him. Perhaps she liked it and wanted him to take it further. That thought made me nervous. I glanced at her reflection in the bar’s large mirror. Her eyes were closed and there was a slow perceptible heaving of her chest as she sat without moving, her hands now resting in her lap.

I knew our game was only a few minutes away from getting out of hand, but I sat silently taking it all in, conflicted as to what to do. Anna would be mortified if I was the one who told him to stop, I thought. Then again I hesitated because my cock was growing in my pants. With a sudden shock I realized what he was doing excited me. That was disturbing. I should have been outraged he was taking advantage of her, but dammit, it was turning me on instead! Before I could get my head wrapped around that concept I noticed he had switched his focus to another potential erogenous zone.

“You have such flawless skin, so soft and smooth,” he crooned as he took her tiny hand in his much larger one. My wife slowly awoke from her quiescence and turned to look at him, her half-closed eyes unreadable. It seemed she was hardly alert.

The rosy blush suffusing her heaving chest told me he had her firmly in his grip now. She must really like it, I thought despondently, and I’ll bet she wants more. And from a man way to old to have any business trying to seduce such a young innocent. Still, I marveled at his skill, watching him put her into that trance.

But he didn’t stop there. The reflection in the bar’s mirror clearly showed him lifting her hand to his lips and kissing it. Damn. So frigging old school. That didn’t apparently matter to Anna. I could see she approved by the quick smile that flitted across her face. Then she inadvertently licked her lips. In anticipation perhaps?

I switched my focus to the man who sought to be her wooer. The mirror chronicled how his demeanor had changed, the look on his visage now predatory. My wife was his toy and he was enjoying manipulating her emotions. Anticipation used as an aphrodisiac. I was beginning to see that Anna held little chance of resisting such a master manipulator.

I held my breath now, dreading yet eager to observe how he would continue his seduction.

After his eyes had slowly raked over her body his voice shifted to a soft soothing monotone, complimenting her once again.

“You possess such a charmingly svelte figure, my dear. Perfectly proportioned for you size. You should model.”

Anna remained silent, giving little indication she was being affected by his smooth patter. The only way I knew she’d even heard him was her reoccurring smile and a deepening blush in her cheeks. Yes, my wife was loving it.

As he continued schmoozing her he was becoming even more amorous. His hand returned to the sensitive spot at the base of her neck, then began to idly stroke it with the back of his fingers as he praised her innate beauty.

My wife emitted a low, almost imperceptible moan, but didn’t dissuade him from continuing. Her chest heaved sporadically, revealing to me his touch was sending shock waves through her.

Next his fingers ran along the “V” shaped opening of her blouse as he commented, “I love the way this fabric clings to your figure. It highlights so well your delightful embonpoint.”

Looking at him more closely in the bar’s mirror, I caught him staring intently at her bosom. God I thought, this guy’s arrogance knows no bounds! Hazarding a glance directly at her I could clearly see the results of his persuasive onslaught. My dear, innocent wife’s nipples were fully puffed out, those luscious elongated nubs straining against the flimsy fabric of her blouse. Anna was aroused in a way that clearly let him know he was getting her where he wanted.

I wondered, would she…could she…stop him now?

Continue reading about Aaron’s dilemma here: Changing Anna 4

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