Changing Anna 5

B. D. Jonsson
Crush Publications
Published in
5 min readDec 22, 2023

Sweet surrender…for my wife!

Photo by Jeferson-Gomes in Unsplash

Synopsis of the story so far.

Aaron’s beautiful wife is shy around others. His unorthodox solution is to convince her to flirt with strange men. It works. On vacation he convinces her it would be fun to see how her flirting skills could be applied to an attempted pick-up at a bar. Her mark is a well dressed old guy who knows his way around women. They know things aren’t going the way they planned when he kisses her. After that her admirer gets bold…and Anna likes it!

You should read Changing Anna, Changing Anna 2, Changing Anna 3, Changing Anna 4 first to feel the full impact of what the couple experience.

Changing Anna 5

Dammit, she wasn’t supposed to go beyond flirting. But she had and was acting like she had every intention of continuing. I knew I couldn’t have stopped that kiss, but that didn’t make me feel any better. We’d entered into uncharted territory when she’d given in. What would he do next? It was hard to tell, he’d already surprised me so much.

I was conflicted. To stop the game now might cause her to get really angry. Anna may have been initially reluctant to play, but now that she had accepted his advances I sensed she’d want to determine its end.

We’d been lucky so far. Anna hadn’t yet been embarrassed. I resigned myself to letting his seduction attempt run its course, realizing I’d have to trust my wife to know her limits.

Looking at them in the bar’s mirror I could see she’d had almost collapsed into him when they’d ceased necking, but she hadn’t said anything or drawn away. I guess that was enough of an invitation for him to continue; that along with her allowing him to keep pawing her breast. For the next few minutes their lips were locked in a very public passionate display of lust.

As I watched them swap spit like a couple of teenagers I felt my mood change. Somehow her being so totally into it seemed like a betrayal. This seduction game was supposed to be fun for both of us, but now she was completely ignoring me as she increasingly gave herself to him. It was like she didn’t realize I was right beside her, seeing everything. And I hated that, despite my raging hard-on telling me to just go with the flow; to let her turn-on be mine too. It wasn’t happening. Seeing him necking with my wife, caressing her breast like he was entitled…it was getting me more than a little miffed.

The game should have ended long ago as far as I was concerned. Instead she was acting in a way that was totally out of character. And while part of me wanted her to stop; was mad she was enjoying it, another part couldn’t get over seeing how incredibly hot she looked with him.

I reconciled myself to just being a frustrated observer, albeit one with a stiffy.

After what seemed like forever her would-be paramour drew back. The self-satisfied smile on his face should have warned me this wasn’t going to be enough for him, but it didn’t. I was caught off guard when his hand moved under the counter and a second later Anna jerked in her seat; her eyes getting big. She didn’t move again, but an unfocused look now creased her face. What was going on, I wondered? After a sudden gasp she reached across and pulled him in for another kiss. Since Anna had him distracted I decided it was safe to see what was going on down there. I dipped my head, focusing on the juncture between her legs. His hand was under the hem of her skirt. Dammit! The cur!

Then I remembered Anna hadn’t worn any panties…at my insistence.

This was getting serious. He might have already gotten to third base. Anna broke their kiss and stared at him, her eyes wide with wonder, then gave a quiet moan just as I felt her leg press against mine. I moved in my seat to see her lap better. Her legs had been forced apart so much her short skirt had ridden above her crotch, allowing me to see one of his fingers deep inside her pussy.

I sat up again, completely blown away at the chutzpah of this guy. He must have felt emboldened by his success so far and decided to go all the way. Here! In a bar, for God’s sake! I was really glad of our isolated spot now. Unless someone were in my seat they couldn’t tell what he was doing down there.

And he was getting away with it! Instead of stopping him Anna didn’t even protest, but began to softly pant, her head tilted back, her eyes tightly closed. Then she gripped the edge of the bar. Her breathing changed. Little puffs of breath escaped through her slightly open mouth.

What was happening to her? It looked like she was seriously aroused.

This had gone way beyond a game!

I decided I couldn’t just sit by as a stranger diddled my wife. Anna would have to stop him if she were reminded I was watching. There was no way she’d intentionally do something like this if she knew how upset I’d become.

I reached over and touched her arm when I saw him began to nuzzle her neck again. Her eyes flew open and saw the distressed look on my face in the bar’s mirror. I shook my head, letting her know I wanted it to stop. She gave me a weak smile in response while also shaking of her head. I put on a pleading look. Her lips tightened; her eyes hardened in refusal. Another shake, this time more pronounced.

I couldn’t believe it! Anna didn’t want it to stop. With a sinking feeling I realized she wanted it to go on!

I heard his voice take on an authoritative tone as he whispered something to her. She looked at him for a moment as if trying to decide if she would comply with this latest demand. When I heard him say ‘do it’ in that hard voice he’d just begun using she turned on her stool to face him. He maneuvered in his seat until their legs were intertwined and then pulled her even closer. Both of his hands were between her legs now. And though I couldn’t see what he was doing, I could see Anna’s reaction. Her face first showed surprise, but that was quickly replaced by a look of intense concentration. Then she began to repeatedly moan. After that came the whimpers…insistent, urgent ones.

With a deepening sense of dismay I realized Anna was rapidly becoming lost in her own private euphoria.

I sighed. A stranger had taken our game away from us. He was the one now dictating its rules.

A a new author on Medium I’m interested to see how readers respond to my efforts. And while Aaron and Anna are fictitious characters they became real to me as I wrote this ever increasingly complex story. Claps and comments are most welcome, but the best response would be to come back and read more of my work.

