Changing Anna 6

B. D. Jonsson
Crush Publications
Published in
10 min readDec 27, 2023

Anna shot back defiantly. “You…you wanted him to try to seduce me. Well, he did and I really liked it!”

Photo by Jeferson-Gomes in Unsplash

Synopsis of the story so far.

Aaron’s beautiful wife is shy around others. His unorthodox solution is to convince her to flirt with strange men. It works. On vacation he convinces her it would be fun to see how her flirting skills could be applied to an attempted pick-up at a bar. Her mark is a well dressed old guy who knows his way around women. They know things aren’t going the way they planned when he kisses her. After that her admirer gets bold…and Anna likes it! Now what?

You should read Changing Anna, Changing Anna 2, Changing Anna 3, Changing Anna 4, and Changing Anna 5 first to feel the full impact of what the couple experience.

Changing Anna 6

Whatever his fingers were doing down there was producing a look close to desperation on Anna’s face. Again she sought his mouth and kissed him with increasing ferocity. He let her continue for a moment, then broke it off and held her still with his stare. But his talented hands proved to be too much of a distraction for my wife. Soon she was rocking back and forth ever so slightly and making small mewling sounds of pleasure.

I watched in fascination as her eyes closed in concentration; his ministering fingers clearly taking her to heights of arousal I’d never been able to accomplish. After a few minutes I noticed her breathing had become labored; her moans now so loud I thought others might be able to hear. When the rapture from his touch finally consumed her she grabbed his arms for support as her body began to repeatedly convulse. Her previously impassioned moans became desperately whispered cries of ‘Oh God, Oh God’ as she lost herself to her own private nirvana.

So intense was her ecstasy it took several long minutes before the euphoria which had engulfed her appeared to subside. Then her head drooped forward, coming to a rest on his shoulder. A look of triumph crossed his features as he caught me unabashedly staring at them. He winked, like we were sharing an inside joke. Still in shock from what I’d just seen, all I could think to do was give him a weak smile and a thumbs up.

Fearful others in the bar had witnessed his soft assault on my wife, I straightened up and looked around. The only person paying attention to them had been the bartender.

Anna’s new beau held her in his arms until she lifted her head and tenderly kissed him. I heard her say ‘thank you’ in a voice full of gratitude, but couldn’t catch the response he whispered in her ear. Whatever it was caused her to sit upright and search his face. Then she got up, pulled her skirt down and excused herself to the ladies room. As she turned she caught my eye in a way that indicated I should follow.

Anna was ebullient when she met me outside the toilet. Before I could say anything she gave me a long, tight hug. With a mischievous grin on her still-flushed face she asked, “Did you enjoy watching us?”

I didn’t know what to say. Yes, I had because it had turned me on, but no, I hadn’t because I’d become jealous of him…and of her for liking it so much.

“It looked like he made you come,” I replied sulkily.

Her features took on a dreamy cast as she responded, “He did.” Then she closed her eyes as if to relive the moment. “Aaron, I came so hard,” she said softly. “I’ve never felt anything like it.”

My heart sank. Anna, my wife of only a year, had let a stranger play with her pussy in a public place and had gotten more sexual gratification from it than I’d ever been able to give her. It left a bitter, bitter taste in my mouth.

I examined the woman before me, all dressed up and so beautiful, her eyes still closed as if reluctant to let go the memory of another man’s touch.

Then, as if a decision had been made, her features changed and her posture stiffened. She opened her eyes and stared into mine with a searching gaze.

“He asked me to go back to his hotel with him,” she added quietly.

I was taken aback, at first unable to process the implications of that statement. No, I thought when it finally hit me, not that! My breathing became erratic and I felt my heart began to pound in my chest.

Time seemed to stop as we stared at each other. An image of Anna naked in his bed flashed across my inner vision. He was mounted on top of her slender form, his stiff cock thrusting powerfully into her willing pussy, and she was crying out repeatedly from the numerous orgasms ripping through her.

The vision faded, leaving me with a sinking feeling. But the reality remained. Anna had been propositioned. It wasn’t the way our game was supposed to end. Then again, she wasn’t supposed to let a stranger take liberties like that either. But he had and she‘d enjoyed it.

I took a deep breath before focusing my attention back on my wife. She looked so calm. I could hardly believe it. Here was the woman I loved with every fiber of my being contemplating sex with another man. It broke my heart.

Why had I allowed it to get to this point?

Letting out a sigh, finally accepting the inevitability of the situation, I asked, “Really? You’re actually thinking about going?”

“What if I am,” she shot back defiantly. “Remember Aaron, I began to tease men because of you. And you wanted me to flirt with him. You…you wanted him to try to seduce me. “Well,” she paused, making sure what she was going to say would sink in, “he did and I really liked it.”

She was right, this was all on me. I had instigated this crazy game, had convinced her to play it. That she had fallen under his spell…well, I had to accept responsibility for that too. Admittedly, I’d been turned on the whole time, but now I was jealous of his hold over her. Okay, I got that he wanted to screw her. Any man would. I just couldn’t imagine she’d want that too.

I didn’t want her to go but I was afraid to just forbid it. Hesitating, I frantically tried to think of something that would make her change her mind. Then it came to me.

With a concerned look on my face I said, “I’m worried. I don’t know if you’ll be safe if you went.”

Her gaze softened as she took my hands in hers before replying, “That’s sweet. I haven’t yet decided what I’ll do. But I could if you thought I wasn’t in any danger?”

Her question hit me like a ton of bricks. She really wanted to go. And why not, I reasoned, Anna had just experienced a better orgasm with him than I’d ever been able to give her.

“Yes,” I said reluctantly. Then the little head between my legs got the better of me and I found myself qualifying it. “But if you do I want all the details.”

She laughed and hit my arm, replying, “Pervert.”

And that was it. She really was contemplating having sex with another man. It scared me shitless, but my cock didn’t seem to care. It was rock hard.

This whole night had left me in a royally confused state.

She held my hand and almost dragged me along as she led me back to her admirer. I hoped my erection wasn’t too obvious as I trailed behind her. He didn’t need to know how much seducing her had turned me on.

He stood at our approach.

“Jeff,” she said, indicating me, “this is my husband Aaron. We’ve been playing a game with you that I enjoyed too much and let get out of hand.”

He looked at me, then back at her with world-weary eyes. “So has the game ended?” he asked.

“Yes.” she said, “But I…I really liked what you did to me. It’s just I’m not sure about going away with you. My husband has raised a valid concern.”

I blurted out, “I’m worried about her safety.”

He gave me a look of utter contempt, then smirked. His look was a far cry from the way he was with Anna just a few minutes ago. But even with that unflattering gesture I couldn’t deny he presented an imposing figure. Taking in his perfectly styled salt and pepper hair and his subdued yet striking attire, I could see why my wife was so enthralled with him.

Him now, not me. It was intimidating.

And Anna wanted him. From the way she was gazing so adoringly at him, I could tell she wanted him real bad.

Pointing his finger at me he asked, “You just want an assurance she won’t be harmed? That’s it? That’s your only objection?”

I nodded, feeling smaller by the minute. I wanted to challenge him, to tell him to fuck off, that I wasn’t going to let him take Anna away from me. But I didn’t. She’d made it abundantly clear this was a decision she was going to make.

“And if I can provide it you have no other objections?” he said.

That haughty smile again. Damn him.

My focus switched back to Anna, who had been silently observing us. I was struck anew at how sexy she looked in her clingy silk blouse and pencil skirt; how those prominent puffy nipples, now broadcasting her desire for all to see, accentuated her natural allure.

With a reluctant nod I acknowledged his question before responding, “It’s up to her.”

A self-satisfied look came over his face. He called for the bartender and paid our bills. Then he took a hotel room registration receipt from his pocket and handed it to me. It included his name, room number, and where he was staying. It was the building next door. Then he took off his wristwatch and gave it to me.

“This,” he said, “is collateral for my word she won’t be mistreated.” He gave me a condescending look, then continued, “It’s probably worth more than you make in a year.” Verbally dismissing me he added, “I’ll reclaim it when you come for her.”

He pulled Anna to his side, confident she wouldn’t resist; his enfolding arm holding her close. Staring at me in a cocksure manner, he pulled at her blouse, exposing her excited nipple to my gaze. Anna gave an astonished look down at her breast. She quickly glanced around, afraid someone had seen what had just happened. I looked too, then realized that since they were facing away from the room no one could.

When Jeff saw my startled expression he began to roll her nipple between his fingers. Anna gasped, then laid her head against his chest and moaned, accepting his caress. I clinched my fists at this display, knowing it was meant to intimidate me, then glanced at my docile wife. I nodded, acknowledging defeat.

He restored her blouse, then reiterated, “She will stay with me until I’m finished with her, however long that may be. You must understand that.”

Anna remained quiet, her face unreadable.

I gave her a questioning look and asked what she intended to do. Gazing up at her would-be lover, looking as if she was trying to read his features, I could see the question mark on her face as she absorbed what he’d just said.

He switched his gaze to Anna, his voice soothing as he explained, “I have a huge appetite for sex and will require you to totally submit to all my needs many times before I am sated. Are you willing to do that?”

Anna didn’t answer immediately; I thought because she’d picked up on his reference to total submission. What he was asking was completely out of her range of experience. Until now, I didn’t think she’d ever imagined giving herself totally to another person.

I could see the flush rise on her cheeks as she contemplated his words. She couldn’t really be considering going off with him after he’d said that, could she? Anna wasn’t that type of woman. I knew darn well she wouldn’t like any kinky stuff. But then again he’d thoroughly aroused her, had made her come with just his fingers. I’d never done that.

Total submission. He was offering her a type of sex we’d never contemplated. And he was someone new. She’d never experienced that either.

It didn’t take but a moment for her to decide.

She looked at me, a plea for understanding on her face, then back at her new lover. With a shy smile she nodded her acceptance.

He looked at me triumphally, then got in one final dig.

Smirking, he said, “I promise you she will be thoroughly used, but well satisfied, when I’m done.”

I experienced a sinking feeling, wondering what she had gotten herself into, but tried not to show it when I responded, “I’m sure Anna will be fine as long as she isn’t forced to do anything against her will. Can you also promise that?”

He nodded coolly, apparently secure in his ability to convince my wife to do whatever he wanted.

Not much was said after that. It seemed pointless. I kissed Anna and expressed my love for her. I clung to her for a moment, unwilling to accept the reality of her decision to go with Jeff. She gave me a distracted smile but then focused her attention on her soon-to-be paramour. I reluctantly let her go, but followed them with my eyes as they made their way across the room.

They appeared to be father and daughter, so great was the apparent difference in their ages. He had his arm around her waist, very much in a protective manner. Then he deliberately shattered that impression when, as they approached the door, his hand slipped down to firmly cup her perfect ass.

End of part one. There is more to learn when Aaron retrieves his wife from Jeff in part 2.

Thanks for reading the first part of my Changing Anna series. For professional writers I suppose creating something like this would have been fast and easy. Not me. Writing is always a work in progress. I’d like to hear from you regarding your experiences in writing…or the joy of reading something like this. Comments really are the fuel that keeps someone like me working on new content. Give me a clap (or 50!) and comment.

