Crushing It! How I Made 20K Profit & Launched My Music Career Thanks to GaryVee

Mike Langer

Gary Vaynerchuk
3 min readSep 18, 2017


This is exactly the story I was waiting for when it comes to the #2017FlipChallenge. I have been following the hashtag closely and have seen some tremendous success. I’ll be doing an epic follow up article on the whole contest soon.

Last week, I announced “Crushing It” a Medium publication sharing stories of personal and professional success inspired by new book releasing 1/30/18.

Mike was one of the first to reach out. He did everything right! From being the one to take action on my advice, to re-investing his initial capital back into the business. Mike is a textbook example of what everyone with a few unused items around the house could do to earn some extra cash.

Mike did the research up front and started small. The disproportionate amount of people who are going to “succeed” at the #2017FlipChallenge simply put in the 20–30— 40 hours to learn what items actually sell. I can’t wait for you to read his story below!


In January of 2017, I saw Gary Vee upload his #2017FlipChallenge video, it got me super inspired to start.

As soon as I heard him say “90%” of people won’t do this, is what got me started. I did not wanna be that person. Literally the next few days I did nothing but extensive research on buying things locally and selling online, stayed up day and got me really excited.

(The Key reason that people win is the upfront research)

Being someone who never had more then $500 in his bank account, I did not have much to invest, I started selling things around my house I never used, collected all that capital to reinvest into buying more items. I then used that money to start buying things locally non stop, from craigslist, offer up and thrift stores. I would buy ANYTHING that would make me profit. I made $1000 in PROFIT my second month doing this!

This got me really hyped. I am a person who never had more then $500 in his bank, to actually having some money. I used 100% of my profits to reinvest into what I was doing. And kept going. Fast forward to (September 2017) I am now at $16,000 in PROFIT.

I now own an LLC, for my eBay business. (Luxe Product Co, LLC) Things have gotten serious. This allowed me to quit my lame mall job, and work for my self. Not only that, I am a music producer. The profits from eBay let me INVEST into my career.

What I truly love to do is Music. Without the #2017FlipChallenge I would have nothing to invest into my career. It allowed me to save up enough capital to pack my bags and go to Hollywood for an entire month (the month of August), to network, create content for my brand and meet other music producers in order to work on collaborations.

I was finally surrounded by like minded individuals for an entire month in Los Angles. All because of the Flip Challenge. Not only has Gary Vee shown me how to make money, but also how to use social media to leverage my brand. I do nothing but throw jabs at my audience ;) I documented my entire journey of flipping from the start on social media, I even created a free guide to help my followers start selling stuff too!

Thanks to Gary’s advice. The satisfaction of helping others is all I need.

I have never ran a business before, started the flip challenge and its now my only and fulltime job/business. It has allowed me to invest into my music career. Also, thanks to Gary’s Social Media tips, I am able to grow an authentic audience around my music and brand “meatport” All thanks to, Gary Vaynerchuk. I am doing two things I love in life, flipping stuff, & making music! Thats it. No one has helped me as much as you did, and I haven’t even talked to you.

Cheers, meatport AKA (Mike Langer)

“Crushing It” releases, January 30, 2018 ❤ If you want to submit CLICK HERE!

This publication is powered by Gary Vaynerchuk ;)

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Gary Vaynerchuk

Family first! But after that, businessman. CEO of @vaynermedia. Host of #DailyVee & The #AskGaryVee Show. A dude who loves The Hustle @Winelibrary & the @NYJets