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Team CRV
Team CRV
CRV is a venture capital firm that invests in early-stage enterprise and consumer startups. Since 1970, the firm has invested in more than 400 companies at their most crucial stages, including DoorDash, Airtable, Patreon, Drift and Iterable.
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We Stay. We Fight.

From the very beginning of the Trump candidacy, CRV has taken our now president literally AND seriously. In August, we…

Taking Action: Introducing Elsa Sze of Agora

CRV recently announced systematic help to support immigrant entrepreneurs who are building the startups that are tomorrow’s leaders. In many ways, our announcement began to take shape while supporting Elsa, who came to the U.S. from Hong Kong, and her

Thank You

Wow. Just wow.

The response to our support of immigrant founders was incredible. Thank you, deeply, to everyone.

Across the partnership, we received hundreds of personal, heartfelt messages of support and solidarity. Publicly, the positive tweets and retweets…