Crypto Against Humanity‘s plan for world domination [TOP SECRET]

Felix Kramer
Crypto Against Humanity
4 min readJul 1, 2018
JK it’s not really a secret, but we bet that made you want to read it more.

The vision: A self-sustaining, decentralised platform that lets content creators and curators have a financial stake in their work.

We all love User Generated Content. It’s the sparkles of Instagram, the wisdom of Quora and what makes Reddit more addictive than heroin! So I hear you asking:

“Gee whiz you’re right! I love wasting all day scrolling through images of sexy avocados on r/AvocadosGoneWild ! So what could possibly be wrong?”

Great question Jimmy! Let me explain:

Follow me Jimmy!

From Google Reviews, to Youtube to MySpace all our beloved social content aggregation and rating platforms have three subtle but important flaws:

1) They are centralised and need to sell ads to make money.

To find out why centrally owned platforms may not be such a good idea, just ask any small business owner how much they enjoy their weekly calls from friendly commission-earning Yelp sales representatives. But not to worry, at least if you hand over your precious cash to them, they can make those pesky bad reviews go away!

2) They don’t reward content creators and curators for their hard work.

Content is king! The only downside? Making and curating quality content takes a long f***ing time! Too bad you can’t pay the bills with adorable pictures of your cat eating a quarter pound beef burger…

3) They are easy to manipulate.

Don’t get me wrong, I love reviews. In fact, my partner is the first to complain about my strict 7.2 minimum IMDB rating for date night movies. But the problem with everyone being able to give their opinion without having to put anything at stake, is that a small but organised minority can manipulate what is perceived as a general point of view. Don’t believe me? Just take a look at some of the recent rating spam campaigns against Ghost Busters, Star Wars and Black Panther as examples.

Scary stuff, we know!

Enter Crypto Against Humanity.

“But Felix, I don’t understand! may be the best thing that’s ever happened to my funny bone, but how is it going to help?”

Well little Jimmy, like every good Superhero story, it all starts with an inspirational origin story. After 36 sleepless hours at the ETH Buenos Aires Hackathon we built an MVP of what a different approach to user generated content creation, aggregation and rating could look like: is:

1) A collectively created and curated list

2) that is decentralised and self sustaining,

3) that is actually fun to use,

4) and that lets users use cryptocurrency to back up their opinions

5) so that creators and curators can earn money for their hard work!

We believe it is currently the best Proof Concept for Curation Markets, an illustrious vision first described by much smarterer people than us, including Simon De La Rouviere and Mike Goldin. Standing on the shoulders of these loveable virtuosos, we built using Bonding Curves and Token Curated Registries. is what is going to help us:

  • test these new and radical concepts,
  • optimise the building blocks,
  • and, most importantly, see how people actually use curation markets in the wild!

“Now I understand! That’s genius! But at the end of the day it’s just a game right?”

Wrong Jimmy. So very very wrong. is only the first step in our plan for world domination.

And once all that precious knowledge has been harvested, we will use it to expand into a more versatile and customisable content creation and curation platform — and that’s when the fireworks really starts!

We’d like to finish on a quote from the author Nassim Nicholas Taleb:

“Don’t tell me what you think, tell me what you have in your portfolio.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves Nassim. So go ahead: show us what white cards you’ve invested in.

And that, little Jimmy, is why is worth fighting for.

Tune in next time for more education!

Thanks for reading and follow us on Twitter to stay tuned for updates!

