A New and Improved Tool for Social Media Marketing

Ang Dawn
Crypto Bacon Club
Published in
4 min readAug 10, 2018

The proliferation of social media platforms in the last decade or so has led to the meteoric rise of social media marketing. Popular social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have provided brick-and-mortar retailers with a window of opportunity to maintain an online presence among their target demographics. In 2017, the total market capitalization for social media marketing stood at a staggering 41 billion dollars! However, even with the effectiveness of social media marketing over traditional marketing, there is still a deluge of problems that can be improved upon.

First of all, there is a lack of analytical tools available in popular social media platforms. Brick-and-mortar stores are unable to find out what are the conversion rates from their marketing strategies on social media. These conversion rates refer to consumers who physically go to the retail store after seeing some form of advertisement on social media. Another important aspect in which brick-and-mortar stores are unable to analyze is the return on the amount spent on marketing for each consumer.

Another concern regarding social media marketing is the trustworthiness of the products or services advertised on the various platforms. There is currently no guarantee of the authenticity of any of the goods marketed on the various platforms. This leads to increased skepticism from consumers and reduces conversion rates from social media marketing.

Furthermore, these social media platforms have very stringent guidelines and restrictions for any content generated by the retailers. This results in the retailers having to unnecessarily spend money on hiring professionals to create appropriate content that meets these rules. In addition, the fee for publishing advertisements on social media is also relatively expensive as well. Another difficulty that current social media platforms do not assist in the development of the community for these retailers. These offline retailers have to spend much time and effort to build their own communities so that their advertising campaigns are effective.

With all these caveats in mind, it’s a wonder why any brick-and-mortar store would want to engage in social media marketing. Centareum, an upcoming blockchain-based marketing platform, is able to resolve these problems and ensure that these stores will no longer need to worry about their online marketing campaigns.

Instead of forming their own communities, these offline businesses can make use of Centareum to target the appropriate demographic of customers. By tracking the locations of customers, Centareum is able to garner continuous feedback from consumers located in the vicinity of retail stores. This information enables Centareum to disseminate appropriate advertisements to the right customers at any time of the day. In addition, in contrast to social media platforms, Centareum provides powerful analytical tools that allow businesses to see real-time conversion rates and analyze customer behavior.

In terms of the trustworthiness of products advertised through the platform, Centareum uses a Know Your Customer (KYC) process that allows Centareum to verify and validate the authenticity of businesses using the platform. This provides a strong guarantee to customers that businesses advertised using the Centareum platform are trustworthy and legitimate.

Lastly, Centareum addresses the problem of extensive costs and regulations associated with social media marketing. All retailers have to do to get an advertisement out is to just carry out 3 simple steps. They first have to take a picture, then enter important information such as the demographic that they are targeting, and lastly, publish the advertisement through the Centareum platform. As Centareum utilizes blockchain technology, the fees required are small and are only required for the transaction of the advertisements. Retailers no longer need to pay for unnecessary costs such as the hiring of professionals to generate content.

Centareum is able to address all of the common issues that currently plague social media marketing today with a simple yet effective solution. Research shows that location-specific advertisements lead to a 5X conversion rate as compared to normal advertisements in general. This means that Centareum can promise its clients a higher conversion rate with much less cost and hassle. So if you’re a retailer and you are struggling to establish an online presence through social media marketing, why not try Centareum?

