Why I Chose to Invest in a Blockchain-Free Cryptocurrency

Sarah Tan
Crypto Bacon Club
Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2018

These days, investing in Initial Coin Offerings(ICOs) are all the rage. There have been thousands of promising projects that have sourced for funds through ICOs in the past two years. There is, however, one thing in common with these projects and it is that they are all based in one form or another on blockchain technology. One new project does not rely on this technology is DICE money. Here are some reasons why DICE is so interesting and why you might want to consider investing in it.

To summarize briefly, DICE money consists of bundled data blocks that require computational resources to generate. The difficulty of generating these blocks provide them with monetary value in the DICE ecosystem. Additionally, DICE uses the cluster model system which gives nodes in its network two roles, an operator or a miner. Each operator is surrounded by a cluster of miners that contribute their computational power to create new DICE units. The newly generated DICE units are kept by the miners, and their overall value is added to the market capitalization of the associated operator.

DICE money is designed to operate like real-world currency, and this extends to the way we spend DICE. DICE can be stored in almost any manner, ranging from online mediums like email and crypto-wallets to offline mediums like paper notes and storage devices. This provides a flexibility akin to fiat currency. For example, one could feasibly print out the DICE unit onto a paper note and spend it at their local retailer without the need to use complicated crypto-wallet addresses. This makes DICE much more viable as a usable currency compared to other cryptocurrencies, which can only be spent through crypto-wallets.

DICE money also has an advantage when it comes to crowdfunding. Businesses and organizations can use Initial DICE Offerings(IDOs) which provides a source of funding with minimal costs. Investors that wish to invest in a business can become miners for that particular business. Each valid DICE unit generated has to fulfill two sets of difficulty criteria. The global difficulty is set by the entire DICE network and the local difficulty is set by each individual operator. When the DICE units generated by the miners meet the global difficulty but not the local difficulty, the operators can ‘scrape’ and claim these DICE units for their own. In this way, as each miner creates more and more DICE units, the operator is able to scrape more DICE and raise their value as well. Traditionally, companies who wished to raise money commonly used Initial Public Offerings(IPOs) and more recently, Initial Coin Offerings(ICOs). IDOs provide offer reduced costs compared to these two methods, with most of the costs coming from the operator’s server equipment and the supporting software.

Lastly, using the cluster model, DICE can offer users fee-free transactions. In comparison, in other blockchain-based cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, users have to incur a cost each time they make a transaction. This is because a fee has to be paid to miners to incentivize them to bundle the transaction into the blockchain. In DICE, both operators and miners are already intrinsically incentivized to perform their roles, so no transaction fee is necessary.

With all these benefits and more, it is easy to see why one would invest in DICE. Some might say DICE is not only a potential investment, but it can also redefine and revolutionize the way we perceive money. I believe that DICE will eventually become ubiquitous in our lives as a true fiat currency replacement.

Find out more about DICE at:

FB: https://www.facebook.com/DICEsup/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dicesup
Medium: https://medium.com/@DICEsup
Telegram: https://t.me/DiceMoney

