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Tether Design: No Capes!

Incredibles, Banks and Black Swans

Perhaps you’ve seen the new Incredibles 2. We prepared to watch the movie by first viewing the original film and one scene struck me. Mr. Incredible asks Edna, his prickly fashionista, for a stylish new cape. Edna excoriates…

EOS and Ethereum: One DApp Platform to Rule Them All?

Does the market have room for two thriving DApp platforms? Ethereum and EOS represent two distinct approaches to carrying out smart contracts and supporting more than 1,500 DApps.

Voting: The Harbinger of EOS’s Success

EOS promises a fast, fee-less platform for decentralized applications via the blockchain, but it needs a great deal of participation from token holders to be a success. As a more centralized project in which twenty-one voted-in supernodes confirm transactions