The Ground Army of CryptoAssault

Dan Chao
Published in
5 min readOct 15, 2018

The special abilities of some of the ground units available during presale

Just a quick reminder to those who haven’t read the overview. CryptoAssault is an MMO war game on the blockchain. Players deploy military units onto a huge map with thousands of other players. You can battle other units, capture territory and mine resources to vie for daily Ethereum rewards.

There are 5 categories of units in CryptoAssault. The 5 categories of units are tanks, trucks, mechs, jets and helicopters. Ground units will be the backbone of any army. Remember they will need to navigate around trees, water, mountains and other ground units on the battlefield. In this article, I’ll cover the stats of some of the ground units we’ll be selling during presale. There will be 18 total ground units in the presale. Below you will find the cream of the crop.


Tanks are the kings of the ground. They strongly counter trucks and counter mechs. They are very weak against helicopters and weak against jets. They get a 10% boost to their stats when they defend from a plateau vs another ground unit. All ground units get this high ground boost so be sure to take that high ground when you can! A tank’s primary damage is ballistic and secondary damage is shrapnel. Its armor is weak to ballistic and concussive damage.

M3 Faraday

+20% boost while attacking, -20% penalty while defending

This unit has a fearsome railgun as its weapon. It gets a 20% boost to its stats when attacking a unit but takes a -20% penalty to its stats when defending. Don’t let this valuable unit get caught by itself. You must protect this unit by surrounding it with ground and air units so the enemy cannot snipe this glass cannon.

The Kraken

Attack Range of 2, -20% while defending

The Kraken is a powerful but fragile siege unit. It can attack units 2 tiles away but takes a -20% penalty to its stats when defending. It’s great for breaking choke points but must be protected properly. Watch out for flying units!


Boosts nearby aerial unit defense by 20%

Don’t let the small stature of this unit fool you. It sits on the battlefield augmenting the aerial units around it. It will give any aerial unit that it is touching a 20% boost to their stats when they defend. Multiple Liberators can power up a single aerial unit to make it a nearly unstoppable unit. Be sure to target the liberators first if you see them on the enemy side.


Trucks are the bread and butter on the ground. They strongly counter mechs and counter jets. They are very weak against tanks and weak against helicopters. They get a 10% boost to their stats when they defend from a plateau vs another ground unit. All ground units get this high ground boost so be sure to take that high ground when you can! A truck’s primary damage is shrapnel and secondary damage is energy. Its armor is weak to ballistic and shrapnel damage.

The Reaper

+20% boost while attacking, -20% penalty while defending

The Reaper is a carries a frightening payload of destruction on its back. It gets a 20% boost to its stats when attacking a unit but takes a -20% penalty to its stats when defending. Don’t let this valuable unit get caught out in the open. You must protect this unit by surrounding it with ground and air units so it can snipe at will. Having an surrounding escort for this unit will be key.


Bonus travel distance

Built to be a light scouting unit, the Houndstooth can travel farther than other trucks. If there is a jet or mech that thinks they are safely out of range, use this truck to obliterate them.


+50% mining rate, reduced stats

If you find your way to owning this rare unit, consider yourself lucky. This is the only unit in the game that can mine resources at 50% increased rate. It’s not made to fight so will most likely lose most battles. If you protect it, it can easily supply the rest of your army with all the resources you need to upgrade your units.


Mechs are your anti-air units. They strongly counter jets and counter helis. They are very weak against jeeps and weak against tanks. They get a 10% boost to their stats when they defend from a plateau vs another ground unit. All ground units get this high ground boost so be sure to take that high ground when you can! A mech’s primary damage is energy and secondary damage is explosive. Its armor is weak to shrapnel and energy damage.

Hellfire Raptor

+20% boost while attacking, -20% penalty while defending

This unit really packs a wallop with its battery of missiles on each side. It gets a 20% boost to its stats when attacking a unit but takes a -20% penalty to its stats when defending. Don’t let this valuable unit get caught out in the open. You must protect this unit by surrounding it with ground units so it can snipe at will. Be sure to surround this unit with mostly ground units since mechs are especially vulnerable to tanks and trucks.

War Beetle

Bonus travel distance

This 4-legged machine skitters across the ground at high speeds. It’s fast movement grants it extra travel distance above all other mechs. Don’t leave your aircraft unattended when this guy comes around.


Boosts nearby ground unit defense by 20%

It sits on the battlefield augmenting the ground units around it. It will give any ground unit that it is touching a 20% boost to their stats when they defend. Arachnids are great for reinforcing ground units in a choke point.

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