Test Your Bitcoin & Blockchain Knowledge with C4 at ETHDenver 2020

Think you know a lot about blockchain tech? Just starting out in the space? Either way, come learn more with C4 at ETHDenver.


Hello, ETHDenver hackers! 👋 C4 is proud to be an official ETHDenver sponsor this year. We are thrilled to be returning to The Mile High city to reconnect with those of you who attended our Blockchain Training Conference last August, and to meet many new faces at the BUIDLathon February 14th–16th!

For those of you who aren’t familiar with us yet, let’s get you up to speed! CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium is a non-profit dedicated to establishing cryptocurrency standards that help ensure a balance of openness & privacy, security & usability, and trust & decentralization. We’ve been creating crypto and blockchain educational standards with the community since 2014, and we offer professional certifications so that you can prove you know the cryptocurrency and blockchain tech your prospective bosses are hiring you to work with. The Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP) designation is our most popular certification; it proves an individual is knowledgeable about the Bitcoin blockchain, Bitcoin transactions, and how the Bitcoin network operates. We also produce live events to train professionals in blockchain tech; these fall under the Blockchain Training Conference umbrella of our community.

We’re very excited to be at ETHDenver this year, and there are a few ways you should plan to interact with us leading into, at, and following the event:

  • Subscribe to C4’s YouTube channel and start watching our content to help you prepare to #BUIDL. We have Ethereum-focused videos and a lot of other crypto and blockchain tech content that you will find helpful!
  • Earn coupon codes to take the CBP exam for a discount by stopping by our booth in the Shill Zone at the ETHDenver BUIDLathon February 14–16. We will have BuffiDAO XP missions for you to complete for badges, and by answering questions about Bitcoin and blockchains, playing with our CrowdQ software and more, you’ll earn and learn!
  • Test your blockchain smarts with an interactive trivia session with C4 director Joshua McDougall on Saturday, February 15 at ETHDenver. There will be prizes and swag so don’t miss it!
  • Following ETHDenver, join us for two YouTube Live Premieres: The first is on February 19th at 7PM CST with Paul Puey; the second is on February 22nd at 11AM CST with Bitcoin and open blockchains educator Andreas M. Antonopoulos. Plan to tune in, especially if you snag one of our coupon codes at ETHDenver! These sessions will cover much of what you need to know to take the CBP exam.
  • We’ll also be releasing an updated C4 Study Guide for the CBP exam this month in coordination with our CBP Crash Course campaign. Keep an eye for updates on those by giving our Twitter a follow!

We’re looking forward to connecting with you at ETHDenver BUIDLers! If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel, where we release educational content on Bitcoin and blockchains every week.

C4 is looking forward to continuing to help you in your journey of cryptocurrency and blockchain education. Learn more about our non-profit’s efforts on our website.



CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium
CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium

C4 establishes cryptocurrency standards that help ensure a balance of openness & privacy, security & usability, and trust & decentralization.