Game of Life
Published in
5 min readSep 17, 2018

Artificial Intelligence aka AI

Artificial intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines or robots, set to continuously learn, rationally “mimicking” natural human, and even animal’s intelligence.

Wow. Really?

Some of us might remember having this huge bulky black and white tv, cell phones that looked like bricks, and letters written by hand (yes, by hand!) with little stickers called stamps, remember stamps? We had no idea what computers were, we thought they were “alien boxes”, and the internet was a spell put on the “alien boxes”! Totally out of this world, okay?

There has never been this much change in technology, and inevitably in human lifestyles, as it has been in the last 30 years.

Can you imagine life 10–20 years from now? Where our entire lives will be recorded by robots and devices, a tiny machine will tell us how-much-coffee-we-have-in-storage and computerized-medical-diagnosis right at the palm of our hands, with precise measurements, data, timing, and quantities?

Robots will eventually take our jobs, and I cannot fathom, though we have all these amazing IoT (Internet of Things) videos on YouTube preparing us for this futuristic life, I cannot seem to grasp the depth of this era we are entering. Years from now we will laugh at how back in the days we had to use switches to turn on the lights instead of just lighting up by itself as you walk in the room (or by clapping lol).

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Yeah… I know…

All of these changes are inevitable. The human intelligence that gets to live in machines? Yes! That’s exactly what it is. Robots that will take over the world….? No, I don’t think so. Lol Maybe. Idk.

None of this needs to be intimidating if we maintain the focus that humans have the ability to readjust. We should center our attention to what is best for all humans, and if anything, it will create tons of new jobs, positions that don’t even exist as of right now.

“If you really think about it, all of human evolution is really nothing more than abstracting problems and automating solutions to earlier problems, which leads to new problems and new solutions in a never-ending cycle.” — Daniel Jeffries at Hackernoon

The integration of cryptocurrency and AI

It is expected, that just as the internet changed the world so will AI and cryptocurrency, most likely in a much larger scale.

With AI and cryptocurrency transaction execution will be easier than ever, limitless, safe, secure, no biases between two individuals, rational-logical-trading, investments, faster transfers of value, transparency, no risks.

The fact that machines are logical, and not emotional basically guarantees effectiveness and preciseness. AI is more than applicable to cryptocurrency blockchain, as it will also affect all sorts of industries, healthcare, transportation, education, finance, music & media, news, publishing and writing, and more.

It will be a massive transformation.

The integration of AI, cryptocurrency, and blockchain will provide us with a world of less corruption. It will affect governments, banks, and every facility that deals with the public’s money. But money is not everything, accuracy and integrity will add up to a better world for everyone. AI and cryptocurrency blockchain have the power to connect the world into one, eliminating many barriers, each technology offers very promising analysis for the future.

Could there be a dark side?

It is only a matter of time for all this technology to take over, it is no longer a matter of whether to allow it to the existence and if all this technology is even good for human beings because it is already happening.

How can we make the best of it? We know we cannot stop it, we already know all the potentially positive side, we also know that it may not be used for good things. This is what Daniel Jeffries from Hackernoon says:

“The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads. That sucks,” said data scientist Jeffrey Hammerbacher, founder of Cloudera.

What else are many of the top AI folks working on?

Weapons. Surveillance. Eliminating jobs.

Instead of solving world hunger or cleaning up the ocean or curing cancer, they’re working on killing people and getting people to buy crap they don’t really want or need.

That doesn’t just suck, that’s a massive humanitarian disaster.”

We cannot follow the technology tendencies blindly we must guide it, mold it, we must control its path, it cannot just happen. We must MAKE the technology and not let it MAKE US. And it is such a thin line between a good future in AI and cryptos blockchain and a disaster.

Combining cryptocurrency’s agile blockchain system for data processing, smart contracts, and payments with the speed, efficiency of Artificial Intelligence just makes sense. Right? One thing is for sure human intelligence will always get ahead from Artificial Intelligence. We created it we control it. So, we must make sure we take full responsibility for it. Yes? Let’s hope AI creators keep human and animal life in mind, not just some humans or some animals, but collectively and universally.

We must all agree there are some places where distancing emotions is a good thing like investments and financial equations. Where decision making, non-biases decisions should probably be the main focus, and where human emotions would mess it up, we must praise for rational decisions, where algorithms can define best without personal views.

Many governmental, educational, financial and healthcare systems could benefit from the accurately rational aspects these technologies have to offer. And well, let’s keep emotions in places where emotions are required, for example, I would like to go to a shrink and exchange understanding and empathy a robot would never be able to give me, even if it is capable of accurately diagnosing my condition. We cannot lose sensibility.

How would you divide these two things? How to find balance? Where would you like to see AI and Cryptocurrency blockchain take over? Where not?

Let us know in the comments What do you think will happen as Cryptos and AI get put together? What is the world you envision?

The Winco Team


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Game of Life

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