Go to Cryptoeconomics Lab
Cryptoeconomics Lab
R&D blogs on layer2 technology for public blockchains and official announcements from CEL.
Note from the editor

R&D blogs on layer2 technology for public blockchains and official announcements from CEL.

Go to the profile of Yuriko Nishijima
Yuriko Nishijima
R&Ding Layer2 technology @ Cryptoeconomics Lab
Go to the profile of Cryptoeconomics Lab
Cryptoeconomics Lab
Research and Development on public blockchain’s layer2 technologies
Go to the profile of Jérémie Grandsenne
Jérémie Grandsenne
Content Manager for the European Union Blockchain Observatory & Forum, led by ConsenSys for the European Commission. More about me: https://bit.ly/31cysvv
Go to the profile of Daiki Sekiguchi
Daiki Sekiguchi
Cryptoeconomics Lab / BizDev / Jack of all trades, master of none.
Go to the profile of Watata Crypto Medium
Watata Crypto Medium
I’m Sota Watanabe, interested in blockchain, mainly decentralized finance(stablecoin, lending)
Go to the profile of Shuhei Hiya
Shuhei Hiya
working on DeFi derivative
Go to the profile of Yahsin Huang
Go to the profile of Cryptoeconomics Lab
Cryptoeconomics Lab
Research and Development on public blockchain’s layer2 technologies