Blockchain Governance Bibliography

Crypto Law Review
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2018

What follows is a non-exhaustive kernel bibliography on blockchain governance.

There is no objective inclusion or exclusion criteria. The organizational heuristic was prompted by Vlad Zamfir’s publication of Blockchain Governance 101 (BG101). That is when we started building this list. Since then, we have taken the liberty of ascribing sequential numbering to publications that followed and related back to BG101 (even when authors did not do so).

Our goal is not to catalog every contribution, but to provide a rough debate map. Each of the links above builds on (and references) a sizable body of related work. Please read these interventions, and their supporting documentation, for yourself.

We recognize the need to index important blockchain governance work published prior to BG101. We also owe a debt of gratitude to existing governance indeces, such as Max Semenchuk’s excellent curated bibliographies.

Simultaneously, there’s a clear need to map parallel governance debates playing out in other linguistic traditions. Please help us add learnings from blockchain governance debates outside Anglophony. Comment ↓



Crypto Law Review

global coordination game for waste/hazard mapping ( ::: jurisdiction mapping ::: no token yet, but launching research token soon 💚🌱