Cryptonom Lore Update — The Jump Team Initiative — 4/26/21

Published in
9 min readApr 27, 2021

Hey peeps!

It’s been awhile since we’ve taken a look into the lore that powers the world of NOMs, so we decided to share a bit on how we will tie in collaborations / partnerships for a cohesive story experience.

However, before we get into it, let’s go over some stats / highlights from over the past month with the release of our v2 public demo. 😁 Check ’em out below:

  • 575+ registered players
  • 1400+ NOMs successfully captured (both Wild & Simulated)
  • 6400+ battles won
  • 50+ King Enjileon battles won
  • 1 major update & 2 minor updates with bug fixes / adjustments

If you have yet to try the demo, you’re in luck! You can go to and try it out now. Need more info? Check out our previous article for all the details.

We appreciate all the feedback and effort players have put into the demo so far! 💪 We will continue to update the demo with fixes and new content to test as we continue development and move through to Early Access.

Enjin & JumpNet

For those that don’t know, Enjin just launched their initial release of JumpNet earlier this month, and it’s a game-changer.

No longer do we have to deal with the high gas fees of Ethereum as JumpNet is free to mint / transfer assets. Forever. 👀

That’s kind of a big deal and we’re looking forward to integrating with JumpNet in the future!

Now, on to the lore!

A Luminescent Discovery

The tale of the Luminescent Meteor is well known by all.

Millennia ago, the Meteor’s power is said to have manifested the Ancestral NOMs — beings born from cosmic matter in its purest form.

For generations, adventurous explorers from all around the world were fascinated by the possibility of claiming their right to be the first to uncover this ancient relic.

To the dismay of their ambitions, in recent years the quest for the Meteor’s whereabouts came to a halt at long last, a discovery confirmed by none other than the Overseers.

The event is said to have been recorded by the fabled Dr. Hooper, who happened to be amongst the Overseers’ ranks on that unforgettable day so many years ago…

“It’s here. I’m sure of it.”

Dr. Kashen, a head researcher of the Overseers, gave the order to begin excavation. Her research team had been tracking energy anomalies in the region for months.

Finally, the source of the most powerful signal ever registered was about to be uncovered.

It took weeks of digging to finally unearth it — a finding that would change history forever.

The Luminescent Meteor…more accurately, what appeared to be the very core of this coveted celestial beacon.

Until now, stories of the Meteor were often dismissed by many as archaic folklore.

This discovery changed everything.

Confirmation of its unearthing drew an attentive audience from the higher-ups within the Overseers’ ranks.

“You’ve done well, Kashen.”

A voice emanated from a dark figure, only audible faintly above the relentless percussion of impactful raindrops upon the excavation site’s sleek rocky surface. Their regalia was adorned by the unmistakable markings of the Overseers.

The smothering presence of grey storm clouds above made indistinguishable the figure of a much shorter, childlike figure accompanying the first.

Grasped in the seemingly younger figure’s hands was the gentle glow of a NOM capsule.

Together, they walked in unison to examine the findings of their prized research team.

The gentle rumble of thunder introduced itself to the tempest’s symphony — the only sound filling an otherwise apprehensive silence as the group approached the Meteor.

It was an extraordinary sight to behold.

The core of the Luminescent Meteor shimmered brightly under the cascading rain, illuminated by a mix of floodlights and its own incandescent glow of otherworldly power.

“It’s time” the Overseer declared with autonomous authority.

What happened next defied reality.

The shorter figure, after a reluctant hesitance, silently tossed their NOM capsule towards the meteor, the shape of a Lumenia slithering forth — a simulated NOM — status quo for the era.

Within moments of the NOM’s release from its capsule, the Meteor reacted abruptly.

The wind howled as the surge of vibrant electricity crackled forcefully over the rain, the Meteor extending forth an awe-inducing display of lightning tendrils composed of raw energy.

The Lumenia was struck instantly.

The tall Overseer failed to grab their diminutive companion as they jolted towards the NOM in a hurried rush, seeming to reach into the lightning with little concern for their own safety.

A few of the team members scrambled towards the Meteor, which seemed to cease its reaction once the Lumenia was pulled away from its immediate vicinity.

They were stunned by what they witnessed.

The Lumenia — which was distinctly simulated prior to its encounter with the energies of the Meteor, no longer displayed the hallmark signs of distortion associated with simulation.

It appeared to have become a real, wild NOM — its void-like scales drenched and glistening, capturing reflections of the evening’s gathering storm within their abyssal purple sheen.

The startled Lumenia peered out with vivid vitality, its violet gaze piercing the darkness from underneath the protective shelter of the shorter figure’s cloaked form wrapped around it.

“I… I don’t believe it… it’s…”

Dr. Kashen stammered in disbelief before being cut off by the imposing Overseer.

“It’s certainly something. So the legends were true… Kashen, I trust your team will find no difficulty in securing the Meteor. See that it’s delivered safely. Iris, get up. It’s time to go.”

The Overseer turned their back to the scene with chilling, callous indifference… a ruthless efficiency which orchestrated an unspoken fear in those present, compelling them to action.

Kashen directed several members of the team to resume their duties, discretely observing as the child, with what appeared to be an exasperated effort, managed to bring themselves to their feet — their disoriented Lumenia coiled tightly within their arms.

Sensing that the Overseer had moved out of earshot, Kashen hazarded to speak with the youthful individual as they made their way past her.


Kashen, for an instant, met with a forlorn stare from beneath the young girl’s rain-soaked hood — a jaded expression of agony illustrated on her face, accented by tears of bewilderment.

“I’m sorry. I told them not to involve you in this…”

“I know.”

The pace of the child was uninfluenced by Kashen’s words as they were returned, the swift motions of the girl’s modest form soon engulfed by the encroaching darkness of nightfall.

Kashen’s mood began attuning itself involuntarily to the darkening atmosphere. Her brooding was interrupted as the gentle grasp of a hand was felt on the back of her shoulder.

“It wasn’t your fault. None of this was. We’re not in control here. We never have been.”

Turning towards the familiar voice, Kashen was met with the face of a longstanding associate, his artificer’s glasses misty from the evening’s downpour…

Dr. Hooper.

Kashen began expressing her frustration through a hushed volley of discontented murmurings, before Hooper continued…

“We can’t change what’s happened. But we can determine what happens next. Call off your team. Let’s learn what we can about the Meteor before we head back. There’s still time.”

Together, through subtle alterations to timeframe and progress estimates, Kashen and Hooper worked tirelessly through the night — gathering secrets about the wondrous properties of the Meteor, which to this day, remain a mystery to all but the two doctors.

Despite fabricated delays, the Meteor inevitably fell into Overseer custody.

The Price of Depravity

Days passed.

Weeks followed.

Word of the Meteor’s recovery was heralded as the discovery of the century.

Public excitement and support for research projects conducted by the Overseers rallied as media outlets broadcasted compelling reports about grand innovations to modern science.

The news was accurate.

But few were privy to the true price of advancement.

It was around this time that the alleged desertion of Dr. Hooper from the Overseers was documented — an event still shrouded in uncertain ambiguity.

Vague speculations surrounding horrific experiments that involved the splicing of genetic codes belonging to NOMs are said to have been at the center of his disappearance.

This was far from the only act of depravity taking place beyond the public eye, though.

With an insatiable hunger for power, the Overseers fueled their infernal science through accelerating corruption, drowning out any remaining regard for human morality as their desire to fortify an infallible stranglehold over the modern world intensified.

Reaching breakneck speeds of development through terrifying dictatorship, research teams were pushed past their limits, slaving endlessly to extract new information from the Meteor.

While multitudes of advancements were made, one reshaped the laws of reality itself…

Mechanisms known as “Jump Gates”.

This unusual technology, nearly alien in nature, indicated the possibility of warping not to different locations within the world — but to entirely different worlds in their own right.

The hint of a “Multiverse” perceivably being within the grasp of the Overseers’ dominion ignited an immutable obsession within their ranks.

Groups referred to as “Jump Teams” were assembled rapidly… with science soon being “thrown at the gate” as the workings of Jump Gates were explored with reckless abandon.

To the surprise of many, a prominent figure amongst the Overseers was soon seen joining one of the earliest Jump Team divisions… Dr. Kashen.

Having been assured of her safety through the confirmation of several successful jumps by other teams, and with the offer of an ample reward for her participation, the Overseers prompted the doctor to coordinate research efforts on the other side of their most stable Jump Gate.

Kashen was hesitant to agree, but a series of sophisticated, twisting persuasions soon found left her with little choice but to comply with the demands of her superiors.

The day of the jump arrived.

Many of the Overseers’ elite attended, keen to witness such a critical undertaking.

With Dr. Kashen’s leadership, research towards fully understanding Jump Gate technology would be finalized with exponential haste.

Surveying the crowd, Kashen’s eyes happened across the familiar face of a girl who seemed out of place, if not for the distinguishable markings of the Overseers present on her attire.

It was Iris.

A silent exchange of apprehensive emotion was shared.

Situating her helmet, Kashen’s visor locked into place over her face.

Her heartbeat elevated as she signaled her team through the Jump Gate.

One by one, the team entered the vibrant warp field, phasing out of reality as their forms merged with a mesmerizing fluorescent aura of pulsating lights.

Drawing a deep breath, Kashen entered the portal.

The portal suddenly began radiating with a blinding twilight hue.

A shrill howl of agony echoed throughout the spacious chamber as a surge of erratic energy fully enveloped the doctor, her voice glitching bizarrely with an eerie digital distortion.

Gasps of panic and confusion ensued from the onlooking crowd, as Iris released a grief-stricken cry of her own atop the discordant cacophony.

Kashen’s body was recovered and taken to a medical facility immediately.

Her status was never released.

It is whispered that many eyes witnessed the gruesome event that unfolded that day.

Among them, one pair closed in grievance behind a pair of artificer’s lens, setting into motion a machination of retribution…

But of course, none are truly certain of what really transpired that day.

It seems like a rather exaggerated story after all, doesn’t it?

Perhaps yet another fraudulent rumor spread by the infamous Team FUD.

Regardless of this tale’s accuracy, weeks turned to months and soon to years…

“Looking to make your mark in the world?

The Overseers want you!

Team up with our certified Jump Team experts to explore the mysteries of the Multiverse!”

Jump Gate technology has made its way into the sphere of the public, stabilized with an advanced mastery of infusing core energy from the Luminescent Meteor into each warp field.

The Overseers even offer a Jump Team recruitment program, enlisting loyal citizens of all paths from zones across the world to advance through the ranks in service to their society.

After all, there’s always more research to be conducted…

There you have it! The origin story of the Overseers’ Jump Team Initiative! 😁

BIG shout out to Danil Pan (@DanilPan0), Archon Phoenix (@ArchonPhoenix) and StyleKrong (@StyleKrong) for the overall lore development! These guys continue to excel at building out the stories within the NOMverse! 💪

We Appreciate you guys!

Stay tuned for more info and news on everything Cryptonom-related via our social channels!

For feedback, comments, and questions, feel free to drop us a line at!

Thanks for reading!

— Will M.

[The Cryptonom squad consists of: Will M, Tim S, Ramon V, James M and Bill M. Special recognition to: Danil, Archon, Kyle, Jen M, Jacob F, and Russell F. Artist: Morgan G.]




Cryptonom is a blockchain-powered digital creature ecosystem backed by the Enjin Platform and powered by Godot. Telegram: @cryptonomofficial #CatchNOMs