A Collection of CSS Grid Resources

Victoria Bergquist
Published in
4 min readApr 28, 2018

Who doesn’t love a good list! Below I have gathered some of my favourite CSS Grid articles, games, guides and examples. I hope this list is as helpful to you as it is and has been to me. Happy reading and coding! 😻

Documentation and Articles 📚

The MDN Web Docs

This is always a great place to start, and their CSS Grid docs are no different. A reference that is great to have at any point in time.

An Introduction to CSS Grid Layout

An article to help you get started with CSS Grid. Written by Dan Brown.

The Complete Guide to CSS Grid

Everything you need to know about CSS Grid terminology and the various new properties. Written by Chris House.

CSS Tricks’ ultimate CSS Grid Guide

Flexbox and Grids

An article exploring how powerful Flexbox and CSS Grid can be when used together. Written by aerolab.

Learn CSS Grid with Games 🕹

CSS Grid Garden

Learn the basics of CSS Grid by taking care of your carrot garden! Available in multiple languages and completly free to play. Created by Codepip.

Grid Critters

Master CSS Grid by saving alien critters from extinction with the help of your powerful space ship! Created by Dave Geddes.
Update: this is not free to play 😞 Thank you André Wessel for pointing this out!

Generators and Cheatsheets 🛠


An interactive tool to generate grids. Created by Dan Netherton.

CSS Grid Template Builder

A simple tool to build complex CSS Grid templates. Created by Anthony Dugois.

CSS Grid Template Builder on CodePen

CSS Grid Cheatsheet

The ultimate visual guide to CSS Grid! Created by Ali Alaa.

CSS Grid Visual Guide and Cheatsheet

Videos and Courses 👀

Layout Land

A YouTube channel dedicated to layout on the web. Easy to follow videos about cool things you can do with CSS Grid! Created by Jen Simmons.

Layout Land on Youtube with Jen Simmons

CSS Grid

Become the ultimate CSS Grid master with Wes Bos. A free course to get you from beginner to advanced in no time. Created by Wes Bos.

Examples 🎁

Grid by Example

Everything you need to learn CSS Grid, including example layouts, patterns and tutorials. All CSS Grid concepts explained with examples on CodePen. Created by Rachel Andrew.

CSS Grid Collection

A CodePen collection of pens using CSS Grid. Curated by Victoria Bergquist.

CodePen Collection showcasing various pens created with CSS Grid

Browser Related 🖥

Can I Use?

Browser support for CSS grid.

CSS Grid and Firefox DevTools

Discover how Firefox devtools can help you master CSS Grid. Written by Dustin Driver.

Grid to Flex

A beautiful and easy to follow guide to using CSS Grid with Flexbox as a fallback. Created by Una.

I hope you found this article helpful!

Did I miss something? What’s your favourite CSS Grid resources?

This article was written as part of Frank’s Coding Night, a social coding event by CSS Frankfurt.



Victoria Bergquist

Self-taught Front End Developer, Feminist, Vegetarian, Norwegian 🇳🇴 🐈🐈 CSS ❤️ Vue.js Organiser of CSS Frankfurt & Vue.js Frankfurt