Cubieverse Halloween Costume Contest Results!

Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2023

Hello Hunters!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Cubieverse Halloween Costume Contest! We loved seeing everyone's costumes and we hope you enjoyed making your costumes as much as we loved seeing them!

In a previous Medium publication, we asked the community to show us your Cubieverse-themed Halloween Costumes. Participants were eligible to win:

  • Three Contest Boxes for 6th to 10th place
  • Five Contest Boxes for 2nd to 5th place and
  • One Nail Gun Kelly Cubie for 1st place

We’ve reviewed the entries and here are our contest winners! Congratulations to…

10th Place: Psychojellybean

Black Cat Cubie inspired! Me-WOW!

9th Place: Chauciao

Who doesn’t love (our) Pizza (Cubie)?

8th Place: Kapnspaulding

Getting ready to build the ‘verse!

7th Place: ConnMan2411

Builders gonna build…

6th Place: GuineaPigFund

Ho’omaika’i ‘ana!

5th Place: Rayl

Shots fired, sir… shots fired!

4th Place: NovelNorm

Be careful! They might make you walk the plank!

3rd Place: mphan34

Summertime and the livin’ is easy…

2nd Place: B3ASTxM0DE

Thankfully these Cubies were not needed for the Halloween sacrifice… *phew*

And our 1st Place winner: Gamebruh01

I would not want to run into this guy in a dark alley…

Congratulations to Gamebruh01 and to the rest of our winners! We will be delivering your prizes within the next couple of days.

Until next time, Happy Hunting!


