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I tell lies
Note from the editor

The world almost feels like a simulation. Yes it does, don’t argue with me. I’m the editor here and I didn’t get this far up the professional ladder by making empty sensational assumptions. Take a breath of fresh air and think about it: An orange bigot rules the free world, Millennials catch up on BuzzFeed, kids won’t watch videos lower than 420p, you can officially rent a tiger in the state of Detroit and sites like Medium will allow me publish lies that may spark riots while I watch the destruction from my control tower. It’s disturbing, I wont lie, but it also tickles my udders in a way that I’m not completely proud of. But don’t take my word for it, I’m just a lowly editor, I merely make great ideas even greater. Adeoye and I don’t mind that we’re characters in a mind boggling remote controlled simulation. In fact we’ve thought long and hard about it and the idea has solicited more than a few chuckles. Bravo to whatever troubled deranged teenage soul is behind all this. In this world of psuedo reality/tangibility, Adeoye will be reporting the days news. But like everything else around us, I’m not sure if it’s real. Buckle up and enjoy the ride won’t you.

Go to the profile of Adeyinka Amurawaiye
Adeyinka Amurawaiye
To build platforms that help people succeed. Co-founder, @PowercubeNG
Go to the profile of Adeoye Amurawaiye
Adeoye Amurawaiye
I have not to my knowledge, sent out flying robots to assassinate anyone