Cult Contributors

Writer bios and info on becoming one.

Cult Media


Justin Bailey

Student of philosophy and religion. Founder and lead designer for JB Design Group. Musician. Golf lover and tech enthusiast.

Religion, Culture, Tech

Maxximilian Seijo

Student of economics and culture. Web developer. Soccer player. Gamer. Lover of all things public policy.

Politics, Culture, Business

Want to be a Cult Contributor?

First, read the About page. If the philosophy sounds agreeable to you, then send either Max or Justin a message on Twitter. Attach a link to your writing and say a little about yourself. Passion and personality should be front and center. Also, be persistent. If you don’t hear back, send another message. Leaving someone hanging is not what Cult is about.

Things to ask yourself before submitting

  • Is my writing thoughtful about the topic and those whom it references?
  • Is my writing rhetorically good?
  • Am I willing to interact charitably with those who may disagree?
  • Will I write more than two times a year?

Answering yes to those questions means you very well may be a perfect Cult Contributor.

Cult retains the right to edit content if necessary, but will actively seek to avoid all content editing if possible. More info on this to come.



Cult Media

Cult aspires to shed light on stories, news, and topics. Publication is phase one. Follow Cult and contribute. Message for info on writing for Cult.