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Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship
Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship
This publication host stories regarding creative industries in Greece initiated in the context of the module “Cultural Entrepreneurship” offered at Panteion University, Department of Communication, Media and Culture.
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Netwix | Creative Brief

Last week, our university project team had the great opportunity to talk to Mrs. Artemis Lamprinidi, head of Netwix and antenna.gr. This happened in the context of an assignment we were given for our “Cultural Entrepreneurship” class, during our Social Media, Advertising and Marketing

Last Saturday observations at the Benaki museum

(with photos)

On Saturday, the 10th of December Christos and I went to the Benaki museum to make our last observations so that we can focus on our ideas and innovative suggestions.

Team meeting and brainstorming

Our team (Charis Zarbalas, Christos Daniilidis, Martha Davari, Danai Lyratzi, Frossini Drakouli) had a long meeting on the 26th of November and once we sat down the brainstorming began. First of all we wrote down our goals and then we discussed and decided what we are going…

Anemon production and Cinedoc

Our challenge

Within the course of Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship, in Panteion university , as a part of a project our team had the opportunity to work with Anemon productions and CineDoc. On our first meeting with Rea Apostolides , anemon…

The challenge

My and my team mates Venetia, dimavasiliki , Juliet and peggy are going to work on Megaro’s music library and try to solve problems that the organism is facing. Our first meeting will be this Friday 18.11 and we are all excited to start the challenge!