The Currentivist
Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2015


[N.B.: The woman who this post was in response to did split and delete her account, so this post is an orphan. I would make an orphan joke here, but I’m not even sure I’m allowed to say “orphan” anymore, so perhaps I’ve already reached my insensitivity quota for the day without even starting.]

Well, since I came to Medium I’ve felt like I’m standing with my champion donkey at a horse track. I mean, I’m not even in the game, right? Nobody wants to see this thing run. I’ll just watch for a while. Maybe I should have dressed better.

But, having hung around the dog track for most of my life, I’m kind of liking the lack of trolls and mouthbreathers here at Medium. You know, schoolmarms and copy editors can be dull, but at least they’re not assholes. The UX designers may lack the funny, but they don’t say shitty things just to say them.

My guess is that you have walked through some halls of flame. You don’t seem like someone who would split as soon as things got ugly. Hanging around these doldrums might be harder, but you should hang out a while. The pace here is un….. imagine….ably……s…….l……o…..w. The interactions are like having a pen pal in Sri Lanka during the age of clipper ships, but, eventually, the pace kind of grows on you. The people are… nice! There are good things to read. There is some funny, but you have to wait for it.

This place is still young. We need people like you. If you aren’t going to muddy up the water, who will? I understand that it sometimes feels like dropping bricks in a well. My recommends don’t often break out of the single-digit counting numbers, but that’s ok. I’m a soul blogger, and at least nobody here is bothering me.



The Currentivist

Tribune of Medium. Mayor Emeritus of LiveJournal. Third Pharaoh of the Elusive Order of St. John the Dwarf. I am to Medium what bratwurst is to food.