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Cum Grano Salis
Cum Grano Salis
Musings on living the good life
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What Is Cognitive Behavioral Coaching?

You have seen what kind of psychological approaches to coaching there are. Now it’s time to look more closely at the most common one: cognitive behavioral coaching. Hang in there.

A Way of Being by Carl Rogers

I am slowly integrating in my knowledge the books recommended by the Canadian professor of psychology Jordan Peterson, by reading them, writing and speaking about them. My initial goal was to follow his advice to “rescue my dying culture”. But the question remained: why his…

On Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

May I recommend you “Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life: The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy” by Steven C. Hayes. It was the most insightful book I read this year, and now, half a year after reading it, I can say it has truly changed my life forever. In…