I Stopped Consuming Content When I Learnt This

Prescriptions work for followers and not for innovators

Shreya Badonia 🧨


Designed by the author

How many billionaires and millionaires would there be if reading books on wealth made us rich?

How many Amazons, Googles, and Apples would be there if reading founder’s biographies would build successful companies?

There would hardly be a few people working in 9–5 if the courses or programs claimed to make you financially free or kick start your entrepreneurial dream.

We all fall prey to those claims as if joining the 5 AM Club for success is the only way to achieve greatness. Unfortunately, these prescriptions used by authors and gurus have been created by stereotyping all of us to incentivize their content.

If you watch this clip of Naval talking to Kapil Gupta MD, about how prescriptions will not make you what they claim — you will stop buying books, courses, and videos that promise results.

Okay, some may help you slightly, but they won’t carve your way for you. It’s easier to apply formulas to technical or have a rigid nature, but do you think we can use the same prescription for our lives?

For example, if you’re looking to know what 2+2 is, you’ll surely get the answer on Google, Quora, or Reddit. But what if the…



Shreya Badonia 🧨

Multi-passionate creator | visual thinker living an island life 🏝️ Join my weekly newsletter 📣 https://shreyasls.substack.com/