The Single Most Important Life Skill—And How You Can Build It

Why it’s so rare and what you can do to transform.

Anthony J. Yeung


Photo by Matt Reiter on Unsplash

A while back, I wrote a viral article about the little signs that can tell you a lot about people.

It was read over a quarter million times on Medium and received over 21,200 claps.

One of those signs was “How their car looks.” I purposely wrote it so I wouldn’t disparage anyone, yet many people got defensive and attacked in the comments.

But it was bizarre because every single one of them completely missed the point of the article. They used logical fallacies. Availability bias. Confirmation bias. False dichotomies.

They saw the one thing that stung them (“a hit dog will holler”) and it was enough to pounce. Then they started getting personal and judgmental.

Arguing against their comments was like shooting fish in a barrel.

But this reveals another issue.

Nothing in my article should’ve “triggered” someone. Even if they disagreed, there was no reason to get angry. They were getting triggered for reasons that didn’t even make sense.

This leads to a very simple, yet important question that can transform your relationships and your life:



Anthony J. Yeung

Seen in Esquire, GQ, & Men's Health. Founder. Full-time traveler (4.5 years & counting). Upgrade your life w/ my 5 life hacks→