What can YOU do with your FIRST TELESCOPE?

Nikhil Mishra
Curious Nikhil
Published in
4 min readMar 27, 2017
Celestron Powerseeker 60AZ — Telesocpe

Twenty-second century, really brought the best of humans, in form of revolution in the field of physics, biology and chemistry. Right now, technology is integrated at every level in our lives. That very fact is the reason why it’s intimidating to think of using a telescope. You can Google images of Galaxies, and chances are the images which you are seeing are taken by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and surely will be breathe taking!

Flyaround of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) after deployment on this second servicing mission (HST SM-02). Note the telescope’s open aperture door.

Hubble is a really powerful telescope. Impossible to get these images from your average consumer telescope!

You can Google images of Galaxies, and chances are the images which you are seeing are taken by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope.

Why I do what I do?

Of course, you won’t be able to get this level of detail, colour accuracy and magnification on your 100$ Telescope. Hubble’s beautiful space pictures were the driving force, that made me get into astronomy. But soon, I realized the limitations of my device. It’s very important to note that it’s the experience that actually counts. I had fun star gazing, looking at the heavens, figuring out constellations, tracking planets, waking up at night, to get that perfect atmospheric condition, half asleep - half awake, tinkering those knobs very carefully, with my breath hold tight. All of that, so that I can see the rings of Saturn, which is 1.2 billion kilometers away. This is human instinct at it’s finest! It’s difficult, to contemplate the degree of emotion that it takes, while this event unfolds, the beautiful golden ringed — planet, slightly shivering due to atmospheric aberration. I will never forget this moment when for the first time I saw planet Saturn with my naked eyes(aided). This experience can’t be traded off with Google images. There is something religious about working hard, just as Harry dug out Dobby’s deathbed without using magic. I think in spite of being a muggle, I think the work to get to something really glorifies the wins. This is what I find that satisfying about Astronomy!

I always wanted a telescope. Looking at pictures of Hubble, I was definitely inspired to get one. I went out researching every single thing about telescopes for months, on the internet, via Reddit and others. Reddit is where I actually made my decision.

Celestron Powerseeker 60AZ might not be the best telescope, but for beginners it’s great. You can see planets and cluster and even few bright galaxies. There are so many negatives of using this specific model of telescope, but going out, sitting under the dark sky, when in this day and age everyone is busy staring screens, is a one of a kind experience. We are so busy, we really have forgotten to look and change our beautiful night sky. Stargazing is my favorite thing to procrastinate. I still, remember those cold, silent-peaceful night outs. I think at a beginner level, the experience is what matters, more than the device(when you don’t have another option..)

Alright, I get it, But what I can see?


Moon, much more beauty!


This is only for representation!


Seriously, you can see galaxies with this thing!

Great Orion Nebula

Observation Datasheet

Andromeda Galaxies

Original Observation Record

The photons took 250,000 light years to finally end up in my eye, through telescope. This little, idea, gives me goose bumps!

Note: Weather is deciding factor in lot of theses things! I took these observations in city. The galaxy will appear much more prominent at less light — polluted places.

And Many More,


Powerseeker AZ Series
  • Quick and easy no-tool setup
  • Slow motion controls for smooth tracking
  • Erect image optics — Ideal for terrestrial and astronomical use
  • Fully coated glass optical components with high transmission coatings for enhanced image brightness and clarity
  • 3x Barlow lens triples the magnifying power of each eyepiece
  • BONUS Astronomy Software download with a 10,000 object database, printable sky maps and 75 enhanced images


  • Telescope Type — Refracting
  • Focal Length — 700mm
  • Aperture — 60mm

