4 Quick Ways To Improve Customer Experience

Kyle Lasalita
Customer Experience and Technology
4 min readJan 12, 2018

Is customer centricity just another fluffy business word that consultants use or is it a true revolution?

Most businesses are now shifting their focus towards customers more than the product. As they say

Customer is king

By making your brand’s overall customer experience royally perfect, you allow your customers to feel that they make an impact. There are a lot of ways to boost your brand’s customer experience but, I’m going to tell you 4 quick ways that you can do this starting now. Yes! There is no other perfect time to revisit your customer journey than right now. These tips, if executed properly is going to increase your customer satisfaction and grow you more brand advocates than you ever dreamed of.

Be Everywhere

Start by making sure that you have all the bases covered. Be everywhere but, not just everywhere make sure that you are reachable everywhere. Provide multi-channel support where your customers are.

Phone and email support are getting old. Customers are now expecting brands to be on social and messaging. Offer different support channels and make sure to be present all the time.

Focusing on the customer makes a company more resilient.

- Jeff Bezos

Be More Responsive

It’s not enough to provide multi-channel support, you also need to be fast and efficient. Always meet customer deadlines and never avoid any customer inquiries no matter what.

At Shirt.ly we use Front App to centralize all our customer communication in one place. We can immediately see which channel needs more customer support. We are able to answer fast and efficiently because we can collaborate and assign conversations to the correct person or department. Front App also offers an in-depth analytics that shows us how fast we are and how effective we are in resolving customer concern at a single point of contact.

Take for example the question “How can I order?”. We found out that most of our customers are inexperienced online shoppers. The team decided to create a “How to Order” button on the website which directs you to an infographic. This completely resolved this repeating question which means we have more time to answer other customers.

Sound Service Execution

Create a reliable and sound customer service experience by providing proper training and empowering your front liners.

Train them to provide a seamless and wonderful experience for your customers. Teach them the importance of empathy. Provide them with right tools that will make it easier for them to perform their job. Map out your customer journey and check to see which areas you can create a lasting impression.

At Shirt.ly we make sure that we create a lasting impression by assuring the customers that they are listened to by responding to their survey feedbacks. Our CEO and COO also answer a couple of these which the customers find to be a wow experience.

Create a service recovery process. Empower your front liners to offer something in return in case of service failures. Time spent on getting a manager’s approval could have been spent on resolving the issue. Remember that quick and effective resolution to a service failure is what will win the customer back.

Stick by your promises whether it’s delivery lead time or if it’s a customer’s special request. Offer them a sense of control by closing the loop and creating a feedback system.

Make every interaction count, even the small ones. They are relevant.

- Shep Hyken

Create A Delight experience

Reinvent and think of creative ways that you can delight or surprise your customers. These are the experiences that will set you apart from the competition. These experiences are what your brand advocates will be telling people. This experience is what you will need to sell more than the product.

Zappos is known to sell a delightful experience and one good example of this is when of their customer service representative talking to a customer for 10 hours and 29 minutes. Another good example is when they encourage a customer to order 2 different sizes to ensure that the customer receives the perfect fit. Yes, its bumps up their return rate volume but, nothing beats a satisfied and raving customer.

As a brand, you can actually improve the overall customer experience by changing one thing about the whole customer journey, it’s called the peak-end rule. Imagine focusing on the end of a customer journey and reinventing that so that it becomes a lasting impression. Take for example Amazon Go, it’s your usual grocery shopping but, the end experience is what you’ll never forget. Or if you don’t have that kind of money, as simple as sending a freebie (keychain, stickers) and a personal note to each order you send out. Little changes like these make all the difference.

I hope these tips will help you in creating a more lasting and unforgettable customer experience for your business. After all, the purpose of any business is to create customers.

You’ve got to start with the customer experience and walk back toward the technology — not the other way around

- Steve Jobs

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Kyle Lasalita
Customer Experience and Technology

Awesome Dad | Customer Service Professional | Freelance Writer | Human ✌️