Go to CWI Software
CWI Software
Desenvolvemos soluções e sistemas de TI com base nas necessidades específicas de empresa de médio e grande porte em âmbito global, desde 1991.
Note from the editor

Desenvolvemos soluções e sistemas de TI com base nas necessidades específicas de empresa de médio e grande porte em âmbito global, desde 1991.

Go to the profile of CWI
Go to the profile of Manu Nascimento
Manu Nascimento
Engenheira de Soluções na CWI Software; Professora de Design; Mestre em Design Estratégico.
Go to the profile of Camila Capellão
Go to the profile of Digital House CWI
Go to the profile of Marcell da Silva
Go to the profile of Giovani Decusati
Go to the profile of Douglas Caina
Go to the profile of Marcos Calicy
Go to the profile of Daniel Goldenberg
Go to the profile of Gustavo Jotz
Go to the profile of Alessandro Dias
Go to the profile of Michel Martinez
Michel Martinez
Software engineer focused on mobile development
Go to the profile of Altamir Junior Dias
Altamir Junior Dias
Engineering Leader at CWI Software
Go to the profile of Pablo Luis Morais Selli
Go to the profile of Eliane Ortiz
Go to the profile of Alexandre Rapaki
Go to the profile of Marcos Lima
Marcos Lima
QA, Software Quality, Automated Testing
Go to the profile of Daniel Lucas
Daniel Lucas
Technologist, geek, gamer and a huge music lover!
Go to the profile of Leonardo Alves
Leonardo Alves
Go to the profile of Rafa Machado
Rafa Machado
Agile Coach
Go to the profile of Pedro Guilherme Rohr
Go to the profile of Mateus Forgiarini da Silva
Mateus Forgiarini da Silva
iOS Developer at iti Itaú
Go to the profile of Lucas Konrath Damaceno
Go to the profile of Marcelo Ferrari
Go to the profile of Iuri Vargas
Iuri Vargas
Gaúcho, de Porto Alegre. Tenho 28 anos e sou apaixonado por tecnologia bem como podemos utilizá-la para impactar a vida das pessoas.
Go to the profile of Vinicius Pires
Vinicius Pires
Software Developer
Go to the profile of Darlan Hendges
Go to the profile of Murillo Grübler
Murillo Grübler
Software Engineer passionate about Data Science and Deep Learning
Go to the profile of Rodrigo Brambilla
Go to the profile of Arthur Tassinari Cabral
Go to the profile of Elias Medeiros
Elias Medeiros
Enfileirar palavras é meu ofício; algumas vezes em português, outras em Swift ou Kotlin :)
Go to the profile of Juliano Nardon
Go to the profile of Leonardo Bork
Leonardo Bork
Go to the profile of Camila Capellão
Go to the profile of Christian Gonçalves
Go to the profile of Marcelo de Moraes Leite
Go to the profile of Tiago Silva
Tiago Silva
Developer .Net and Android, enthusiast in IoT and blockchain.
Go to the profile of Diego Schmitt
Diego Schmitt
Designer, gaúcho, gremista, vocal @ 15A3, rockr, whiskr, cultua minimalismo e acredita que wallpapers influem na vida real.
Go to the profile of Rodrigo Fior Kuntzer
Rodrigo Fior Kuntzer
Tech Lover. Resourceful Software Engineer.
Go to the profile of Thiago Borba
Go to the profile of Dherik Barison
Dherik Barison
Java developer, Tech Lead, Stack Overflow enthusiast and contributor: https://dherik.com
Go to the profile of Maicon Heck
Maicon Heck
I'm a software crafter. Through DDD I crafted dozens of rich, extensible, testable, and long-lived business domain models.
Go to the profile of Cássio Farias Machado
Go to the profile of William Gonçalves
Go to the profile of Diandra Rocha
Diandra Rocha
High Hopes
Go to the profile of Manu Nascimento
Manu Nascimento
Engenheira de Soluções na CWI Software; Professora de Design; Mestre em Design Estratégico.
Go to the profile of Samuel Lucas
Samuel Lucas
Test Engineer at CWI Software. Currently working with testing for mobile, api & web.
Go to the profile of Marcos Vinicius Henke Arnoldo
Marcos Vinicius Henke Arnoldo
Analista de Testes Automatizados na CWI Software. Apaixonado por desenvolvimento de software que gosta de compartilhar o que sabe
Go to the profile of Jonas Rafael Colling
Go to the profile of Rafael Rodrigues
Go to the profile of Daniel Faccini
Go to the profile of Lucas Graebin
Go to the profile of Murillo Peteffi
Go to the profile of Rodrigo Moraes
Go to the profile of Rafael Zorzanello
Go to the profile of Rodrigo Obach
Go to the profile of Nicolas Schirmer
Nicolas Schirmer
Mobile Security Reverse Engineering Security/Solutions Architecture Hardware Pentest Threat Intell DevSecOps Research In love with puzzles and how to solve them
Go to the profile of Cristiane Butura
Go to the profile of Gabriel Cartelli
Gabriel Cartelli
QA at CWI Software.
Go to the profile of Tassiane Dinkowski
Go to the profile of Lucas Cezimbra
Go to the profile of João Fidellis
João Fidellis
front-end focused, JS lover developer 👨‍💻
Go to the profile of Leonardo Berlatto
Leonardo Berlatto
21 year old Software Engineering student at PUCRS and DevOps enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Jéferson Bueno
Jéferson Bueno
Desenvolvo umas paradas na CWI Software e coleciono medalhas do Stack Overflow em Português. Eu sou o LINQ! — https://pt.stackoverflow.com/u/18246
Go to the profile of Pablo Trindade
Pablo Trindade
Front-end developer at CWI Software
Go to the profile of Rejane Apolo Ferreira
Go to the profile of Emilio Heinzmann
Emilio Heinzmann
Estudante de Ciência da Computação na Unisinos e Desenvolvedor React Native na CWI Software.
Go to the profile of Marcelo Soares
Marcelo Soares
Desenvolvedor e professor da área de Tecnologia da informação.
Go to the profile of Guilherme W. Muller
Go to the profile of Pedro Gabriel
Pedro Gabriel
Software Engineer
Go to the profile of Rafael Schmitt
Rafael Schmitt
Desenvolvedor de software, UI/UX designer.
Go to the profile of Adriano Fantinelli
Adriano Fantinelli
QA at CWI Software and Information Technology Student
Go to the profile of Vanessa Schenkel
Vanessa Schenkel
Estudante e representante dos alunos de Ciência da Computação na Unisinos
Go to the profile of Jonas Melo
Jonas Melo
InfoSec enthusiast & personal development lover :)
Go to the profile of Tiago Weber
Go to the profile of Lucas Rohr
Go to the profile of Luciano Fischer Lumertz
Luciano Fischer Lumertz
Desenvolvedor de Software, formado em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas pela Faculdade Senac RS.
Go to the profile of Nick Borges
Nick Borges
Java Developer at CWI Software
Go to the profile of Pablo Oliveira
Pablo Oliveira
Engenheiro de Software
Go to the profile of Antônio Marcos da Rosa
Antônio Marcos da Rosa
Desenvolvedor de Softwares
Go to the profile of Nataniel Paiva
Nataniel Paiva
Líder de Engenharia na CWI Software que ama programar e aprender novas tecnologias! Já usei Angular, Laravel, Spring Boot, React Native, Python, Go e etc...
Go to the profile of Diogo Santinon
Go to the profile of Janderson Rafael da Silva
Janderson Rafael da Silva
Software Developer
Go to the profile of Eshilane Cruz
Go to the profile of Cris Fernandez
Cris Fernandez
designer | MBA, Negócios Digitais | CWI
Go to the profile of Rafael Peduzzi
Rafael Peduzzi
Líder de Engenharia e Designer na CWI Software. Pesquisador no Doutorado em Design na UFRGS. Professor de Design. Escrevo e giro em torno disso.
Go to the profile of Adriana Kuczynski
Go to the profile of Patrick Moura
Patrick Moura
Business System Analyst at CWI Software. Technology lover, improvement enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Cassiano Menezes
Go to the profile of Leonardo Morais
Leonardo Morais
22. Computer Science student. Software Engineer Lead. Open Source Evangelist
Go to the profile of Adriano Wilbert
Go to the profile of César Jacó Habitzreuter
Go to the profile of Lucas Di Franco Linden
Go to the profile of Matheus Almeida
Matheus Almeida
Pessoas e tecnologia. Compartilhando minhas experiências com SharePoint, experimentações com react e novas formas de colaboração para organizações.
Go to the profile of Digital House CWI
Go to the profile of Elias Bressler
Elias Bressler
IT Business Management Specialist | Systems Analyst | Project Manager | PostgreSQL Database Specialist
Go to the profile of Viniciuswillig
Go to the profile of marcelo souza
Go to the profile of Sofia Hanashiro
Sofia Hanashiro
UX/UI with an architecture background
Go to the profile of Sandro Castanheira
Go to the profile of Môni Fetzner
Môni Fetzner
Se eu já soubesse exatamente como preencher esse espaço, talvez não precisasse do espaço. :)
Go to the profile of Alessandra Henkes
Go to the profile of Luanderson Almeida
Luanderson Almeida
Analista de Testes/QA
Go to the profile of Viviane Gonçalves
Go to the profile of Vinicius Ghizi
Go to the profile of Ezequiel Oliveira