CyberKongz Weekly: September 25, 2021

CyberKongz Weekly
14 min readSep 27, 2021


What a week!

Just when you thought a week couldn’t get any better, the CyberKongz community comes through again 🍌🍌

I’m obviously biased, but CyberKongz has to be one of the most fun, supportive, and inspiring communities to be a part of. !ooh

Just in this last week, we heard from Myoo (pronounced Mee · oh) for the very first time in Twitter Spaces, auctioned off the cutest custom Baby Kong Matabishi, had an epic Kongz party to choose the winners of our gallery contest, and much more.

So much has happened and so much to talk about, so let’s get into it! !ooh

Jungle Awareness

Unfortunately, it’s still a dangerous jungle out there. Scammers are getting more creative with their tactics so we all have to take care of each other and remember to be careful.

If you have a significant amount invested, you should also use a hardware wallet if you haven’t already done so.

To clear up any confusion — yes, you can use Trezor with Metamask to safely store your NFTs. If you need help connecting your Trezor with Metamask and transferring your NFTs over to the Trezor connected Metamask wallet, here is a helpful video. If you need additional help, feel free to reach out to me directly as well!

Here are some simple steps to stay safe based on the hacks we’ve seen recently:

  • CyberKongz will NEVER DM you with prizes/offers/competitions.
  • If you receive an NFT in your wallet that you didn’t buy, especially a free NFT, DON’T APPROVE IT, just hide it on OpenSea and forget about it.
  • If it’s a currency you don’t know and didn’t buy, DON’T APPROVE IT and don’t trade it. Forget it exists.
  • All official prizes/offers/competitions get listed in our #🐵|announcements Discord Channel and on the CyberKongz Twitter.
  • NEVER give anyone your private keys or seed phrase.
  • Don’t connect your wallets to websites you don’t know.
  • Never download or open any files from DM.

Keep in mind that if you want to do a private transaction with someone, OpenSea has the ability to create a private listing.

Additionally, if you’re trading NFTs, a good and safe option to use is

CyberKongz Community Strong

Twitter Spaces with Myoo

On Sunday, September 19, @nate_rivers held another Twitter Spaces and this time, sat down with the one and only Myoo: creator and artist of CyberKongz, for an insightful and fun chat! !ooh

First of all, the biggest mystery in all of Kongiverse has finally been solved. We now know how to pronounce Myoo’s name, which is pronounced Mee · oh!

It turns out his name is actually inspired by the Japanese Buddhist Guardian Deity Fudo Myoo (the Immovable One). In Japan, Fudo Myoo is one of the Five Bright Knights who are the most powerful deities in Japanese Buddhism and Folk religion.

Even cooler is that Fudo Myoo was popular with samurai as a guardian figure so they would often wear a depiction of the deity on their armor.

A very nice choice for a name, ser. Maybe you could create similar samurai armor for your CyberKongz VX? 👀🍌

Here are some of the other highlights from the conversation:

  • CyberKongz were originally released as CyberKongs with an “s”, but because of issues with the original release, they had to be re-released as the CyberKongz we know now.
  • The original CyberKongz launched in March 2021 and took stealth drop to another level. There was barely any information available, no website, and if you Googled “CyberKongz”, the only matching search result was for a sumo wrestler.
  • The Legendary CyberKongz’ were originally listed for 1 ETH, but then Myoo changed to auction after realizing it might be too cheap.
  • Each Legendary CyberKongz VX took about 1 day to create, and the more complex Legendaries like the knight Sir Apelot or the astronaut Astro took multiple days.
  • Myoo never thought CyberKongz would sell out, and the success of CyberKongz is still cool and weird at the same time.

Baby Kong Matabishi Auction for World Gorilla Day

Let’s all take a moment and give a huge KONGRATS to @sybrwho who won the auction for our cute Custom 1/1 Baby Kong named Matabishi with a winning bid of 69 ETH!

With all the Kongz in the jungle watching intently and cheering the auction on, there was an intense bidding war between @sybrwho, @jabdoteth, and @Napoleon_TC.

With under 15 minutes to go, @sybrwho dropped the winning bid of 69 ETH and the rest was history! !ooh

Then, to everyone’s surprise, the CyberKongz team decided to double down and match the winning bid and sent a total of 138 ETH ($400,999) to Virunga National Park via the Giving Block!

The funds raised from this auction will help to protect our great ape brothers and sisters, and to support the ongoing conservation efforts of Virunga National Park’s Rangers.

What a proud day to be a Kong 😍.

At the end of the day, let’s remember that we Kongz around the world are all brothers and sisters, and we take care of each other.

For this 5th anniversary of World Gorilla Day, we wanted to do something extra special so we auctioned off our cute Custom 1/1 Baby Kong #1002 named Matabishi, and the proceeds were donated to our good friends at Virunga National Park.

Matabishi is named after the real-life Matabishi who is the Senkwekwe Centre’s only male mountain Gorilla. The Senkwekwe Centre is the world’s only orphanage dedicated to mountain gorillas.

He was brought to the center in 2013 after being found alone in cornfields outside of Virunga National Park and was suspected of being a victim of the gorilla trafficking trade.

Again, KONGRATS to @sybrwho for winning the auction, and thanks to everyone who participated in making this an awesome World Gorilla Day! Gallery Contest Party

Thanks to everyone that attended our crazy Gallery Contest Party on September 22! Let’s give a big round of !oohs and bananas to DJSavage for the awesome beatz again, and to our Council of Kongz for throwing a banger of a party!

We danced, we ooh’d, and dare I say, went apesh*t crazy as bananas rained down while celebrating the winners of the contest. All the while a new CyberKongz soundtrack by HeliumSmokes was played for the first time AND 2 cute Baby Kongz were given away.

Most importantly though, we came together as a community to choose the winners of our Gallery Contest! Let’s give a Kong-sized round of applause to the winners!

Art of Dizziness by Kai: 51 Votes

Banana Feast Gallery by domZ: 49 votes

Kongz at the Museum by rendertimes: 31 votes

King of the Jungle by alexETH: 30 votes

JohnnyBones Gallery by johnnybones: 29 votes

Featured Story: Genesis Kongz vs Baby Kongz vs CyberKongz VX

Disclaimer: This section contains speculation and educated guesses so what actually gets implemented by the CyberKongz team might be completely different. My goal here is to inspire your imagination when thinking about the endless possibilities that are being built in our Kongiverse!

One of the most common questions I see being asked in the jungle is around utility.

What will baby utility be? When will it be announced?

What about CyberKongz VX? So much attention has been placed on Baby Kongz, that Cyberkongz VX have been forgotten 😔

I totally understand where these questions are coming from as I had the same ones when I first joined CyberKongz.

In reality, all of the differences between the Kongz, including what we know about the different utility, have already been discussed; you just have to dig a little.

So to make it easier for you, I’ve decided to put on my Thinking Cap and consolidate all the information that we know in one place to give you a deeper understanding of the differences between the Kongz.

Then, with the information that we do have, I get into some fun speculation about what might be possible as we launch into The Sandbox Metaverse.

What’s most important to keep in mind is that CyberKongz has one of the most complex and deep ecosystems out there, so it’s worth taking some time to research everything we have going on!

Genesis Kongz

much wow

We all know who the Genesis Kongz are, and we all want to be one. They are the 1,000 OGs, the foundation, and the pillars of the Kongiverse that everything was built from. Without their success, we would not be here.

They are most famous for generating 10 yummy $BANANAs per day and will be the only CyberKongz to generate $BANANA. This has already been confirmed.

For the most part, I think everyone understands Genesis Kongz utility so I’m not going to spend as much time here as Baby Kongz and CyberKongz VX.

Primary Genesis Kongz Utility:

  • Supply: 1,000. However total supply is lower as some Genesis Kongz have been wrapped.
  • $BANANA: Generate 10 $BANANA per day.
  • Breeding: If you have 2 Genesis Kongz, you can create an incubator with 600 $BANANA.
  • Customization: Customize bio/lore with 300 $BANANA and name with 100 $BANANA.
  • Wrapped Genesis Kong (WGK): Can fractionalize a Genesis Kong by wrapping it in exchange for 100 WGK tokens per each
  • Discord Channels: Unlocks all discord channels including the newly created Genesis Hall. From what I’ve heard, Genesis Hall is more of a chill country club vibe where Genesis Kongz smoke cigars and network.

Metaverse Developments

  • Each Genesis Kong received a 1 of 1 matching VX. You can tell a VX came from a Genesis Kong as they have an X on their chest and a glowing G on their right foot.
  • Other than these cosmetic differences, the Genesis Kong VX works the same as all other CyberKongz VX.

Baby Kongz

much cute, must protect at all costs

Baby Kongz are the cute ones in the jungle and have recently been getting more attention, which tbh they deserve.

Although all Baby Kongz holders hope that one day they can grow into Genesis Kongz or even generate just a baby-sized portion of $BANANA each day, this won’t happen and has already been confirmed.

With that said, being that Baby Kongz are an OG 2d CyberKong, the cheapest way to access Wall Street Kongz, and with future utility yet to be announced, they are still very undervalued (IMO).

Primary Baby Kongz Utility

  • Supply: 4,000
  • Wall Street Kongz (WSK): Access to WSK Discord Channel, one of the most sought-after discord channels in this space and provides a ton of alpha. If you don’t think this is enough valuable utility, make sure to check out the WSK in Review section in all of the weekly newsletters for concrete examples. The information shared in the group can literally be life-changing.
  • Customization: Customize bio/lore with 300 $BANANA and name with 100 $BANANA.
  • Future Utility: This is what I’m most excited about and I dig in further below.

Metaverse Developments and Future Utility Speculation


  • Free CyberKongz VX: Each Baby Kongz can claim a free CyberKongz VX roll if it hasn’t been claimed already.
  • Exclusive Banana Shop Access: Baby Kongz and Genesis Kongz will have access to exclusive Banana Shop drops and will also enjoy advantages regarding the number of items that can be purchased.

Baby Kongz Future Utility Speculation 👀

From the Banana Shop announcement above, the future utility of Baby Kongz is likely to be tied to our Sandbox metaverse. What’s exciting about this is that because anything can be built in The Sandbox, the future utility of Baby Kongz is literally limitless.

Plus, given how our Council of Kongz keeps on delivering, whatever we have in store for Baby Kongz should be huge.

What we do know is that there have also been some hints about what might be possible from this The Sandbox article about their partnership with CyberKongz.

Using the information from this article and the exclusive Banana Shop access as the basis of our speculation, here is what we might see:

  • Potentially Baby Kongz will have access to legendary item drops or other sought-after items.
  • Maybe Baby Kongz act as some sort of key and you can only access certain secret ‘Easter Egg’ sections of Kongz land with a Baby Kong 🤔
  • Perhaps Baby Kongz will get access to multiples of certain items and these items will be highly sought after for their utility or power boosts.

CyberKongz VX

much smart, so wow

CyberKongz VX are the most technologically advanced species created by our team of cyberbrain scientists.

The coolest part about CyberKongz VX and what’s important to keep in mind is that CyberKongz VX are not only a collection of good-looking 3D Kongz, but are the only way to maximize the benefits from the entire Kongiverse that’s being built in The Sandbox metaverse.

With a CyberKongz VX, you not only gain access to one of the most supportive and fun communities, but it’s also a pure metaverse play which many are saying is the next big thing.

Since our Kongiverse in The Sandbox still hasn’t launched, the CyberKongz VX have been overlooked and are still undervalued. However, this likely won’t last too long as we get closer to our metaverse launch.

Once you spend some time understanding the scale of our CyberKongz Sandbox land and what is possible, you get a sense of how massive it could be.

Primary CyberKongz VX Utility

  • Supply: 15,000
  • Customize Name: Customize VX name with 10 $BANANA
  • Verified Discord Lounge: Gives you access to the Verified Discord lounge
  • Usable IRL: All CyberKongz VX include commercial rights and can be downloaded to make 3D animations or even 3D prints.

Metaverse Developments and Future Utility Speculation

Shrine of Kongz


  • Kongz Island: a 24 x 24 sprawling estate with dangerous jungles and ancient ruins that spans different biomes.
  • Neo Kongz City: a 12 x 12 futuristic urban landscape where the city kongz like to hang.
  • Shrine of Kongz: a 3 x 3 estate featuring our 1 of 1 Shrine of Kongz build which is the spiritual home of CyberKongz and a beacon of hope for all lost souls.

Future CyberKongz VX Utility Speculation 👀

All you have to do is look at the size and thought that has gone into our 3 Sandbox estates to understand just how incredibly massive the future potential of CyberKongz VX will be. It’s mind-blowing when you start to dig a little 🤯

Let’s just use the 1 of 1 Shrine of Kongz as an example of how much time and effort is being put into our metaverse since we have the most information about this build.

  • A 1 of 1 legendary build by Sand Rush and Light Trail Adventures that took 3 months to complete!
  • 8 different artists worked on this project together to bring it to life.
  • The Shrine of Kongz includes a built-in ready-to-play parkour-based game that ends with a mysterious treasure chest on top of the Shrine of Kongz.

Now, I know all of you love your yummy bananas, so just think about what play-to-earn might mean in our CyberKongz Metaverse. Hmmm 🍌

  • Could we see a race to the top of the Shrine of Kongz for exclusive treasures and bananas?
  • Is it possible that we have a Kongz Colosseum where our CyberKongz battle it out for prizes?
  • What about a Kongz Casino where degen Kongz can go gamble their banana down the drain?

Of course, this is all speculation, but I hope by now you can see that there is no limit to what’s possible.

So again, even though the Genesis Kongz and Baby Kongz are in the spotlight now, don’t underestimate our CyberKongz VX either !ooh

WSK in Review

WSK Expansion 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

I interrupt your daily scheduled program of fortune-making and degen-Konging to bring you a very special announcement from the Council of Kongz!

Wall Street Kongz has now expanded into its own category with multiple channels based on topic, and there is even a calendar that includes upcoming drops !ooh

For those of us that spend our waking hours in WSK, this is a very appreciated update as it’ll help us organize all the alpha that is dropped on the daily (and helps keep us from going insane). Not to mention, it makes this an even more valuable channel than it already is.

Here is how WSK has been expanded.

  • Drop Calendar: a much-anticipated drop calendar that includes a curated list of the upcoming drops for WSK members to reference.
  • Hive Mind: a channel where the WSK community will come together to curate a list of the most influential projects in the NFT space. CyberKongz VX holders also have access now too.
  • DeFi Talk: a channel dedicated to all things DeFi including yield farming, liquidity mining, borrowing/lending, and anything in between.
  • Other Chains: a place to discuss all things NFT and DeFi on non-Ethereum chains.

Best Trades of the Week (WGMI) 📈

Although I could literally write another novel about what went on in WSK during the week, this keyboard Baby Kong has been going ham and I see the newsletter is nearing 3k words already 👀

So, I’ll keep the trading section of this week’s newsletter short, BUT next week I’m coming back with an in-depth look into two of our moonshot calls, the Anonymice and SupDucks.

Both of them have skyrocketed in terms of floor price, but they did so in different time frames so I think it’s worth a look into how they played out.

In terms of this past week, as usual, an insane amount of degen kong type of trades and flips were made and some with good success. However, the big story of the week was one of our Hive Mind channel projects-the SupDucks, who supped their way past the 4 ETH floor! 🦆

It just goes to show that even though short-term flips are fun, the better and more profitable trade might be to just hold solid projects for a longer time frame.

Here are the biggest short-term winners and losers of the week plus our best diamond-handed long-term holdings.

Best Short Term Trades (last 7 days)

Worst Short Term Trades (last 7 days)

Best Longer-Term Holds 💎 🙌

See You Next Week

That’s it for this week and I hope you enjoyed this update on the Kongiverse!

Again, what a crazy week it has been and I must say, there has never been a more proud time to be a CyberKong!

Not only did we have a lot of fun as we always do, but we also donated over $400,000 to help our great ape brothers and sisters, which is incredible.

Additionally, I hope you enjoyed reading the first featured story and that it gave you a better understanding of the exciting things to come no matter what type of CyberKongz you own!

Talk to you again next week 🙏


