#GenesisValidator [5]: Lvl.99 to the max! Indonesia is ready to run a Supernode

Vincent T.
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2018

Lvl.99 is the first Indonesian organization to implement a Supernode on CyberMiles’ native blockchain. Led by Edward Gunawan, the Jakarta-based team has an impressive background starting with education. Gunawan, Lvl.99’s founder, has a degree from California’s Claremont McKenna College, for example, while his business partner, Donald Wono, graduated from the University of British Columbia.

Not only are Gunawan and Wono both developers but also, crucially, they’re true blockchain technology enthusiasts.

Slogan: Enterprise Grade Infrastructure Designed for CMT

Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Announced compensation rate: 50 percent*
Announced self-staked CMT: 4.2 million*

*Subject to adjustment

Data Center Configuration
32 Virtual CPUs, 192 GB of Memory, SSD: 12 TB

Technical Plan
Lvl.99 will deploy sentry-node architecture to protect and secure against DDOS and other attacks. New sentry nodes will be quickly spun up, as necessary, to increase protection. Three eight-hour shifts will be implemented to make sure servers are monitored at all times.

Meet the Team

Edward Gunawan, a tech/crypto/devops enthusiast and a graduate of California’s Claremont McKenna College, one of the top-ranked liberal arts colleges in the U.S.

Donald Wono, a Fullstack Javascript/Android/iOS/gaming developer and a graduate of the University of British Columbia, one of the top 20 public universities worldwide.

Current roster of Genesis Validator candidates:

  1. Krypital
  2. Hayek
  3. Wancloud
  4. AlphaBlock

While CyberMiles’ MainNet is in the home stretch before its official release, there’s still room for new Supernode candidates. Want to be part of the future of e-commerce? Join us now!

Additional Resources

