New Human InfoSec Intelligence Comms Protocol for Values Alignment

Matty K.
Cyberpower Telenoia
9 min readJul 16, 2024
“Elegant cyberpunk photograph of natural wilderness secured by humans with glowing technologies in their hands.” — T2I prompt,

This article is about the significance of personal development:
- when participating in a human communications protocol
- for InfoSec professionals capable of Secret layer work
- in order to assist in the coordination of meaningful impact
- towards holistic ecological thriving for the benefit of all.

Included is a synthesis of four concepts I have previously written about in this publication. This is now a merging of these aspects of human development into a communications protocol by navigating selectively through 1) states of being, 2) dimensions, 3) cultures and 4) security layers.

Everything depends on individual experiential maturity. This is because a deeper level of personal development enables the understanding of corresponding security layers. It is within those deeper layers that new solutions can be found to existing InfoSec situations. The intention is to communicate within the shared understanding of a deep security layer in order to work together on the right security aims.

A visualization of the overlapping aspects of the protocol.


As a security specialist, I propose a communications protocol, a sequencing of attunement for those sensitive enough to be working with facts instead of mere narratives. Hopefully this gets to the UN Security Council on time.

Bitcoin Security Maps podcast video episode of this article.

Sequence is necessary in order to actuate at the varying security layer depths. Here it is:


As outlined in my previous article:
Human Being Quadrants as Collaborative Social Engineers

Common Human States in Quadrants

Align oneself to the most appropriate state for communication in order to do the work.

Tune into the other: This is simple. Discern where the other party is on the quadrant spectrum between mental deliberation and creative spontaneity. It’s an agreement of affinity of vibe. Later this opens up for an alignment of dimensions.

At first I align the states of being because I have extensive experience as a creative and intellectual person with insight. Through alignment, life is simply more clear. If the other person is not able to align to me then I align to them.


As outlined in my two previous articles:
A Framework of Multidimensional Context for Web App Security
Multi-dimensional Security Mapping of Websites

Attuned Learning

Align oneself in the right dimension of one’s selected culture.

Tune into the other: Both parties overlap and align their life experiences, their practical wisdom. Everything depends on the level of development of one’s sphere. The sphere is most important because if developed then one can move between dimensions. An undeveloped sphere suggests only one dimension. Through the development of one’s sphere it is possible to learn about culture and to move between cultures, to sojourn within cultures.


As outlined in my previous article:
Mapping The Right Security Subcultures

Mapping the Right Security Subcultures

Align oneself in the community. Have experience in culture. Participate in its extremities, to witness its assets and threats. When working with others it is essential to know one’s own culture, dimension and state.

Tune into the other: This is the social movement always towards the freedom to serve. From the individual culture to a deep ecological culture, to a security subculture, national culture and beyond.

There is a significance of security subcultures in the link between deep personal holistic maturity and the global situation of competing nations through obscurity of the development of spheres.


As outlined in my previous article:
Levelled Discernment of Information Security Layers

Levelled Discernment of Information Security Layers

Operate within the security layer corresponding to the work. The concentric enfoldment ranges from Secret through Business, into Professional and finally the Specialization layer, at which most InfoSec operatives play with their keyboards.

Tune into the other: One’s ability for fluid movement between states, dimensions and cultures directly correlates to one’s practical understanding of Security layers. These are entire subcultures and meta-cultures.

The Secret layer includes current military affairs as well as metaphysics and parapsychology beyond contemporary popular sciences, while the Specialization layer is merely the layer at which most security professionals communicate. For example, this is the layer of my Web Application Security Testing work with Recon.

It is after this point that one can use altered states for journeying in the Specialization layer.

I have learned the sequence through care and need, beginning with my own observations of states. Take responsibility. Know thyself. It is possible to have a deep sense of security through one’s own efforts. Self observation over long periods of time enables the witnessing of the mentioned states through direct personal experience.

These general states of being then help determine the dimensions one is capable of entering. Those who share dimensions create cultures, in this case security subcultures. It is subcultures and not cultures because this is not about security being a culture for itself, unless the only dimension one knows is security. One can secure security itself but there are things of greater value to be secured. What is of value depends on one’s level of development.


If any one of these aspects of the protocol is incorrectly fine-tuned then the exchange is unstable and weak. This may lead to social engineering and manipulation through human weaknesses and vulnerabilities. For this reason I tend to note the approximate acceptable depths of the security layer at which the interaction is to end, when there is no sense of continuity of mutual understanding.

Based on the level of one’s sphere in this realm, once this attunement sequence is actualized, agree to tune into designated points of attention for an exchange. In this way one can relate between states, dimensions, across cultures and through security layers.

Since we are InfoSec professionals, this communication will be happening in the security layers. With aligned states and dimensions, it is possible for anyone to share a security subculture and its layers for the sake of communication and co-development.

One may question participation in a society in which there is no shared understanding of its security layers. If the aim is to understand the security layers based on facts, then if one side is not interested in facts, then one is the visible weakness to the side which acknowledges those facts.

For an advanced case, if one has a developed sphere with experience in journeying across dimensions then one can be in an altered or neurodiverse state and be capable of aligning and communicating in reference to a professional point.


Everyone involved may remain in their particular state, dimension, culture and layer. After one tunes into the other, it is necessary to present the mental models regarding the point of exchange. Everyone will have their own mental models. This is one reason I present my maps.

To start, one may bring in a point of attention. I often start the presentation of a map by acknowledging a piece of paper, its form, size and color, something very easy for all states. I start with the big picture first. A few words that suit the states, dimensions and cultures in the interaction.

Those who work in sequence and build their mental models based on the development of their sphere are the ones who may find it easiest to continue from here with the aim of working together. Keeping together in alignment of facts is of great benefit to the co-creation of new solutions. Otherwise one has to figure out the language of the state, dimension, culture, and security layer of the other parties based on unknown frameworks which might not be founded on facts but fantasy instead. That can be a lot of fantastic permutations for such a communications channel. It’s probably a reason why artificial general intelligence is being developed.


For an exchange in the corresponding security layer, mental models and maps should come close to matching the actual asset, the value, the point.

First create a consensus on the existence of the point. With ease, every participant in the communication should be capable of aligning their dimension to include the point of attention. In this way, the attention itself may be assessed as a fact at any level of development.

What may happen next is magic for another article. In general, when channelled through care, it is the differences between levels of development, states, dimensions, cultures and layers which may provide for new insight and solutions where these are needed most.

The received intelligence can be accessed in any state, not merely cognitive and deliberate. Since various levels of spheres can communicate with each other through the normal Secret security layer, in this way it is possible to communicate between levels of consciousness. And some of the communicated information might not be from the same level of consciousness that created the situation in need. New information and knowledge might be from a more developed level, a more developed sphere from the same realm, if not another.

What is of value? Facts. Direct personal witnessing of reality based on the development of one’s sphere, while on the quest for the meaning of clarity in the experience of consciousness.


One of the motivations for designing this protocol is the lack of success in my communications. I have been trying to present significant information to others by adjusting my interactions for most of the 25 years of my adult life. Much of this information is based on facts which usually seem to take a decade to be seen as such. Due to my development of the sphere, I am fluid in states, dimensions, cultures and layers.

My observations indicate that others mostly maintain one state and one dimension and have little experience in cultures other than whatever is happening to them in daily life. To me, it is more entertaining than surprising that such people work in all kinds of responsible positions within security operations. One state and one dimension works well for interactions with automatons and computing machines but this is not a reflection of the magnificence of human beings.

Noteworthy is the fact that people are the weakest link in all forms of security precisely because of the lack of acknowledgement of this magnificence. Security between people exists for this reason.

When it comes to significant things of value in civilization, such as a thriving natural environment, this entertaining lack of security turns to horror when witnessed through more developed spheres. For example in the summer of 2022, the 850km Oder river which runs through my hometown was poisoned by unknown perpetrators. Apparently there is a $1M EUR reward for the right information. To me, this unsolved mystery points to a lack of the right kind of local security subculture and a lack of the practical understanding of security layers. Someone has secured the facts somewhere, somehow.

Moreover, this apparent lack of a multidimensional understanding of Cyber Security is a crisis. National security threats and cyber attacks lurk and hover in most global news affairs. The intention of this article has been to suggest a sequence for a human communications protocol which can enable exchanges between responsible people of various levels of development who may wish to make the world a better place, in the same way “We Are the World” does. It’s a song written by Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson, and includes 46 of the top American vocal pop stars of 1985.

On a final positive exemplary note, Nikola Tesla (1856–1943) understood electricity because he had the right mental model of the normal Secret layer and applied it to his specialization for the benefit of all.


This protocol is in a state of iterative amelioration and the author has added new points since the original recording:
- the ability for varying degrees of the awareness of perception itself.
- sensitivity based on the range from temperament to character.
- the intelligence quotient (IQ).
- the measurable brainwave state (neuro feedback).
- the ability for abstraction — for example: from music to shapes to state of being.



Matty K.
Cyberpower Telenoia

Niche InfoSec Consultant - Stealth Recon for Red Teams