Announcing the teams for Cybersecurity Factory 2016

Frank Wang
Cybersecurity Factory
3 min readJun 21, 2016

I’m excited to announce that we have accepted four teams to the second summer of Cybersecurity Factory in collaboration with Highland Capital Partners. This year, we also partnering with Comerica and Latham & Watkins as our financial and legal sponsors respectively, who bring extraordinary startup experience and valuable mentorship to our program, especially in the security discipline. Finally, we would also like to thank our mentors, who take time from their day jobs to support our teams.

Without further ado, here are our teams!

Founders: Nishant Jadhav, Kevin Buchanan, Sheetal Doshi

Promithius Founders: Nishant (left) and Kevin (right), Sheetal (not pictured)

Promithius is the first high-performance software solution that enables security in any part of an enterprise or cloud network. Promithius converges point security services to make the management of network security so simple that enterprises can deploy it in all parts of their internal network. Promithius precisely identifies threats and stop attacks from spreading before traditional perimeter security solutions can even see them. Promithius can be installed on any hardware or in the cloud to identify and control traffic automatically.

Antares Microelectronics
Founders: Tariq Bashir, Maria Afzal

Antares Microelectronics Founder: Tariq, Maria (not pictured)

Using Blockchain technology to create distributed Applications DApps for
a) Charity and goods collection and distribution
b) Content storage and transfer

All the above applications involve choosing a blockchain from Bitcoin, Hyperledger, and Ethereum, identity management, security, and user experience.

Founders: Michael Lu, Stephan Williams

Flare Founders: Stephan (left), Michael (right)

Flare is a decentralized platform that allows for secure interactions
between traditional networks and tailored blockchains. The system has
the ability to scale in both transaction
volume and data storage, allowing for richer, more complex processes.
Enterprises can develop fast, distributed programs on highly
customized chains with strong security guarantees. Founders Michael Lu
and Stephan Williams are both graduating computer science students
from Georgia Tech. Together, they bring a range of experience, from
blockchain technologies to computer systems and architectures.

Founders: Chris Cleveland, Arun Buduri

Pixm Founders: Arun (left), Chris (right)

Pixm’s mission is to make the web more trustworthy with artificial intelligence software. Inspired by research in real-time phishing detection and recent trends in deep learning and convolutional networks, our platform is designed to rapidly identify visual branding as it appears on unauthorized login domains. This brand authorization platform has analogous precedents in SPF and DKIM standards, but percolates all the way to the end user experience where the greatest vulnerability exists.

This technology is designed to discover online social engineering threats in real time, before they hit end users. Current tools are totally in the dark when encountering new threats, relying on blacklisted URL databases and spam filters. Phishing and related social engineering threats cost the private sector over $5–11B every year. We are introducing a new technology solution to this pressing issue that is designed to make web impersonation obsolete.

We are excited to support these entrepreneurs on their journey to making the world safer!



Frank Wang
Cybersecurity Factory

Investor at Dell Technologies Capital, MIT Ph.D in computer security and Stanford undergrad, @cybersecfactory founder, former @roughdraftvc