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Boris Toledo Doorm

DADA. Living Art.
DADA. Living Art.
DADA is the world’s visual conversation platform and decentralized art gallery.
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Look Sharp!

We are expanding our store in Teepublic with hundreds of new designs made by artists on DADA. Hundreds of different styles, from cute to creepy, all cool as hell.

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We invited friends to watch the US presidential election results with us at home. We didn’t know if it was going to be a party or a funeral, but we knew we could not face it alone. We had to share the moment, in time, in a room, with people.

It’s a Beautiful Thing!

When we created DADA, we didn’t know that we were going to help create true friendships. We expected people to “connect” and “follow”, but what we love the most is to see people becoming friends through drawing. We are thrilled to watch our social network become an irrepressibly joyful…