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Caro Degiorgio

DADA. Living Art.
DADA. Living Art.
DADA is the world’s visual conversation platform and decentralized art gallery.
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How Online Communities Can Support New Artists

Article by Emma Rosser, as seen in The Hype Magazine:
In times of austerity, the arts is the first industry to suffer. As the nation still lingers in the shadow of recession, a lack of funding in education and rejection of the arts as a potential…

Branching Out

At DADA, we love surprises. We love the serendipity, not only of not knowing who will respond to a drawing, or what will be the response. Sometimes, if two or more people hit the “post” button at once, one of those drawings will create a new branch. Branches can be identified by a little circle with an…

Happy Holidays!

This is how we celebrated the holiday season at DADA. Lots of inspiration, creativity and collaboration between artists across the globe. Cover art by Raúl Avila and Lorena Pinasco.