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Writing Prompt Response

Daily Fiction Writing Prompts
Daily Fiction Writing Prompts
This publication features daily fiction/fantasy writing prompts and responses
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A ghost haunts your new house but they’re actually a pretty decent roommate.

One would never expect a college dorm to be haunted. Sure Clara might expect an old victorian house to be haunted by some kid that died of polio or something but never a new college dorm building.

Dream Technology

Technology has advanced such that dreams can be recorded and shared.

Hi! I’m a dream streamer. Not to be confused with Dream the streamer.

I should probably explain a bit more before I get to that.


What happens of warehouses on the night of the full moon?

People think that all lycanthropes turn into wolves or something and I have to say we’re not all the same. Making assumptions just makes it harder for us to explain out condition to the proper experts.


It’s time for a class of third graders to release their pet moths to the wild.

Miss Bright always had conflicting feeling about “moth day”. Often it was her kids first experience of loss though most of the time the moths survived long enough to disappear. It was only once that Snowflake got…

Wizards Tower

One day a Wizard’s tower appears in the middle of town

I was living in one of those new surbaban developments. Frankly I never liked those things. None of the trees have grown up to match the houses and all the lawns are a little too perfect. All the houses look the same and…