Chitauri in Tulsa

There should be a sequel to Bad Lip Reading’s Redneck Avengers: Tulsa Nights. It could be similar to the original Avengers film, except Tulsa gets the alien invasion instead of New York. We’ve seen that the Chitauri can be taken out with a bow and arrow. So instead of running and screaming…

Robert Higgs recommends one of my essays in his final major Mises University talk before retiring to Mexico. Then Judge Andrew Napolitano, right before his own talk, immediately recognizing me, greets me by name and asks me to print the essay Dr. Higgs cited for him to read. I’d say this qualifies as a great day.

How exactly is THIS supposed to be “letting Iran get nukes,” and how is continuing to wage economic warfare against the people of Iran supposed to be more “effective” at preventing nukes than this? Opponents of the Iran deal should be honest: they simply want war. They want yet another disastrous regime change, even if it means immersing the 77…

Participatory Performance Art With An Audience That Is Literally Captive

Great post from The Libertarian Homeschooler. Money quote:

“People think ‘teaching’ at an unwilling child = learning. It’s not. It’s…

How Netflix’s New Daredevil Series Makes Torture Into a Virtue

by Noah Berlatsky | April 21, 2015 |

[Editor’s Note: After watching Daredevil, I fully agree with this analysis, although the show is otherwise quite good. Whatever happened to…