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DANA Product & Tech
A writing media straight from our kitchen. Discover insights on digital product development, user experience design, and tech engineering.
Note from the editor

A writing media straight from our kitchen. Discover insights on digital product development, user experience design, and tech engineering.

Go to the profile of DANA Indonesia
DANA Indonesia
The Only Digital Wallet That You Can Trust For Every Daily Cashless Transaction, Anywhere, Anytime.
Go to the profile of Randi Waranugraha
Go to the profile of DANA — Product Design Forum
DANA — Product Design Forum
A writing media straight from our kitchen. Topics around digital product, strategy, design and user experience. Managed by DANA Product Team.
Go to the profile of DANA Engineering Editor
Go to the profile of Harry Timothy
Harry Timothy
A native Android Developer who stop being a programmer once, but made an epic comeback thanks to Kotlin and Uncle Bob.
Go to the profile of Randi Waranugraha
Go to the profile of Anggrayudi Hardiannicko
Anggrayudi Hardiannicko
I don't know why I am writing.
Go to the profile of Arik Sasmita
Go to the profile of Bima Putra Pratama
Bima Putra Pratama
Former Mine Engineer who passionate about data and became Data Scientist
Go to the profile of Magdalena Vaenlie Monita
Magdalena Vaenlie Monita
An ordinary woman who falls in love with batik and matcha, and sometimes plays the sims :)
Go to the profile of Keenan Warouw
Go to the profile of Jefry Dewangga
Jefry Dewangga
Great things happen from the inside. https://jefrydco.id
Go to the profile of Rizqi Nugroho
Rizqi Nugroho
Data Engineer at DANA.id
Go to the profile of reifita
the secret to being a bore is to tell everything — voltaire
Go to the profile of AWidarto
A software development architect, medium writer (one story at least), and a water drinker.
Go to the profile of Hilmi Ilyas Rizaldi
Go to the profile of Ashadi Sedana Pratama
Ashadi Sedana Pratama
Eat, Code, Research, Gym, Sleep, Repeat
Go to the profile of Thursina Andini
Go to the profile of Erick Chandra
Erick Chandra
Aesthetic junkies
Go to the profile of Setiawan Aanbudi
Go to the profile of Reynold Vinson Chen
Go to the profile of Muhammad Yogie Nugroho
Muhammad Yogie Nugroho
Software Engineer in Test at DANA Indonesia
Go to the profile of Elvira Denisya
Elvira Denisya
I can say that I’m pretty content but on certain occasions a dark cloud will form above my head. Zaniness and melancholy have dominated my life in many ways.
Go to the profile of Calvin Holyson
Calvin Holyson
Uncovering thoughts, one layer at a time.
Go to the profile of Gavin Clive
Gavin Clive
Part-time engineer, full-time enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Lidia N. S. Soemantoro
Go to the profile of Muhammad Dyda Gursida
Go to the profile of Gabrielle R
Gabrielle R
imaginative individual
Go to the profile of prakoso sucahyo
Go to the profile of Winni Septiani Lubis
Go to the profile of Thomi Jasir
Thomi Jasir
Frontend Expert
Go to the profile of Geuis
IT engineer, who eats and dumps like any other species
Go to the profile of I Gusti Ngurah Adhi Baskara Putra
Go to the profile of Mexan Juadha
Go to the profile of Yan Permana
Yan Permana
Web Programmer
Go to the profile of Barry Meyer
Go to the profile of Kumalaningtyas
in the middle of understanding and enjoying the quarter-life crisis
Go to the profile of Ananda Aransa
Ananda Aransa
Lifelong Learner
Go to the profile of Iffa Aulia
Iffa Aulia
I don’t know what I think until I write it down.― Joan Didion
Go to the profile of Dikih Arif Wibowo
Dikih Arif Wibowo
JS Enthusiast | dikiharifwibowo.github.io
Go to the profile of Ponalya Sidauruk
Go to the profile of Hardian Prakasa
Hardian Prakasa
“People can be as smart as the sky, but as long as they do not write, they will disappear in society and from history.” ― Pramoedya Ananta Toer, House of Glass
Go to the profile of ridwanf
Software Engineer
Go to the profile of Linda Febriana
Go to the profile of DANA Sisberdaya
Go to the profile of Aulia Hanamanna
Go to the profile of Aidan Wibrata
Go to the profile of Michael Maximillian
Michael Maximillian
Channeler of stories and mender of words.