Go to Dance Beyond the Studio
Dance Beyond the Studio
Exploring the question of: What is dance?
Note from the editor

What is dance? We hope to use this blog to explore that big question with the Chromatic community. We ask everyone, in one of the Chromatic mottos, to dance beyond the studio — to dance everywhere they feel the impulse to, “in the streets, in the park, on the subway, at the club…” We hope this is another space in which we can engage with dance together beyond the studio.

Go to the profile of Chromatic Dance
Chromatic Dance
A vibrant, radically inclusive space where everyone can dance. http://facebook.com/chromaticdance
Go to the profile of Claire Zhang
Claire Zhang
@yale’15 // cofounder @ chromatic.dance // growth @gojourny // Reader, writer, dancer, queer, feminist, all the feelz all the time.