
April’s ‘Dancing for My Life’ Newsletter

The snow is gone (?! maybe), and I’m ready to get out there an enjoy the fresh air

Vera-Marie Landi
Dancing My Way Through Life


Photo by Harry Gillen on Unsplash

I know, it’s been a while since I sent out a newsletter for this publication. I’ll catch up now.

First, let me remind everyone that I’ve added a new category — Exercise — to the publication. Don’t forget to read some of our new stories!

So if you’re a dancer, were a dancer, thought about dancing, or anything physical that involves giving the body a good workout (exercise, walking, karate, jogging, stuff like that) and you have a story to tell — do ask to be a writer in the comments below.

I don’t want run-of-the-mill stories — like, I went to the gym, it was a good workout — I want the bloopers, memorable moments, embarrassing things, funny, hilarious stuff, unusual experiences, advice no one would find elsewhere, things you’d never do again, clothing mishaps— something different— I know you have one! Not sure? Ask.

Already wrote a story like this on Medium?
That’s fine, too, just send the URL in the comments below, and I’ll highlight it in the next story.

Please don’t forget to read the guidelines.


Photo by Daniele La Rosa Messina on Unsplash

New publication — ‘Women Who Use Tools’

Same type of thing, I want stories that are unusual, funny, embarrassing, inspiring, TRUE OF COURSE, not ‘I used a hammer to hang a picture,” more than that.

And — it needs to be about WOMEN or GIRLS. It may be written by a woman or by a man about a woman.

There are three categories: Using tools to build, using unusual kitchen tools, or using tools for crafting.

What I don’t want is: ‘I used a hammer to hang a picture,’ or ‘I used my mixer for the first time (unless it’s about the mixer exploding it’s contents all over you, that’s funny), or ‘I made a quilt on my sewing machine.’

Now if you used tools to carve out a lovely shelf to hang clothes — that’s the type of thing I’m looking for. If you erected a boat in your basement like my cousin did, that’s an interesting story.

If you’re not sure, ask. Please read the guidelines here, and the link to my publication ‘Women Who Use Tools.’

Same submission rules apply: If you have a story you wish to submit, let me know in the comments below. Have a story already written, send the URL.

PLEASE NOTE: If you submitted an already-written story to any of my three publications, including ‘Digging Up Bones,’ and I did not get back to you or highlight your story, it’s because I felt it didn’t follow the guidelines. Please reread, and adjust your story or feel free to send another one!

Before I read any story I check minutes, then I search for curse words, religious or political references, and links for advertising or more than one CTA. Thanks for your consideration.

People who wrote or asked to write for our Tools or Dancing pubs — would you like to be added?

Trisha Faye, Michele Maize, Master Jodi Harrison-Lee, Alwaz., @margie pearl, Charisse Tyson, Sondra Singer - Still Vital, Future Philanthropic, Henya Drescher, Hermione Wilds Writes — Writer and editor, Jennifer Dunne, Linda Osipow ~ Crazy, Almost Old Farm Wife, Maria Rattray, Maryan Pelland OnText.com, Sílvia PM, PhD 🍂,🌬️Mitch, Christine Graves, Tovah Rainsong, Steve Schultz, Jonathan Townend, RMN Editor | F.o.M, Coyote Susan

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Lists are where I keep every issue, newsletter, and guidelines for all my publications. Choose one or all by clicking on a list below, then hit “Save List.”

List for ‘Digging Up Bones’ Publication only.

List for ‘Dancing My Way Through Life’ Publication only.

List for ‘Women Who Use Tools’ Publication only.

Happy reading and writing everyone — watch for our new stories, coming out soon.



Vera-Marie Landi
Dancing My Way Through Life

I'm retired, love spending time with family, writing, and working on 3 pubs: 'Dancing My Way Through Life,' 'Digging Up Bones,' and 'Women Who Use Tools.'