Our Beta Test is Around the Corner

Daneel Assistant
Daneel Corporate
Published in
5 min readOct 14, 2018

Our Alpha stage is coming to a close, and our community is excited for the stage that will take us yet another step closer to the final refinement: our Beta launch on the 15th of October. As we’re closing in to the end of the Alpha period, many of our readers are interested in understanding the parts of Daneel, that were optimized during the Alpha testing.

On one hand, a key advance was entailing natural language processing and conversation functionality: Daneel is built to ‘’self-improve’’ due to it’s integration with IBM Watson and engagement with our partners has filtered directly into how Daneel’s accuracy has evolved.

‘’ the icing on the cake’’

Ultimately: our Beta phase is just around the corner. This period will represent the ‘’icing on the cake’’ as we’re shaping Daneel to perfection for the public launch. However, with Daneel’s conversational accuracy, now exceeding everyone’s expectations throughout this Alpha period, which has even required us to tweak our upcoming Beta strategy.

Alpha is ending

Yes, Alpha is ending. And for readers who might be unfamiliar with software testing cycles, the ‘’beta’’ is when the most crucial optimizations will be made. However, this is not quite the case: although the Beta period will be crucial in making final refinements, the Alpha stage truly has been the ‘’bedrock’’ in advancing the core of Daneel’s functionality: a natural conversational capacity ready for the general user.

Here are some core optimizations from this Alpha stage:

We worked on conversation system (Natural language processing)

The Alpha test has been applied to around 55 individuals, including: the team, partners, advisors, ambassadors, gold members and future B2B clients.

3400 questions have been asked to Daneel: which corresponds to 800,000 possibilities that have been processed and analyzed by Daneel in a few weeks — this means a much more robust Daneel for real-life conversation scenarios.

Furthermore, Daneel is now capable of understanding all main questions related to cryptocurrency and Blockchain: this gives our platform the foundational knowledge key for educating newcomers.

Additionally, here are some quotes from our testers on the state of Daneel as a result of this Alpha period.

For me, The Alpha phase of Daneel was exactly as expected: Basic questions are answered, interface already looks great and I really like the detailed product roadmap until 2019 Q4. Go Daneel!’@goldmember

This product is great. DANEEL is able to answer all your questions in an instant. Education is a key bridge. The possibilities are enormous with this product to understand everything about blockchain and cryptos. We have a powerful tool in our hands.@Eric B2B partner

Daneel is an interesting tool for market emotion news. It is very difficult for me to tell truth from fake and instead of wasting hours on all the differ sites, I just ask Daneel. As I also enjoy doing a little trading, market sentiment is key to understand trends. I recommend it for everyone, really.’’ @Romain from “Journal du Coin”

The Analysis

We welcome everyone to discuss our results one-by-one, including our reader base who may be interested to engage with Daneel during the Beta stage. The more engagement the better the results. Here is some data as a result of the Alpha analysis: as you can see, this really quantifies how the accuracy of Daneel’s answers has increases from one recorded period to the next: for each question that was asked, he became that bit smarter and ready for more challenging question formats.

‘Quantifies how the accuracy of Daneel’s answers has increased from one recorded period to the next’

Overall, our analysis of this accuracy covers the following topics:

· Information on cryptocurrency

· The price of cryptocurrency

· Analysis sentiment

Oh and just to give a shout-out: well-done to our winner of the Alpha test stage Ramitash. Over 164 questions asked! That’s one committed Daneeler, helping Daneel achieve his current accuracy by running Daneel through real-life scenarios again and again — and over a variety of different voice profiles.

Here is some data of the number of questions asked over time:

Here is the percentage of questions no-understood by the system over time:

Look how the rate of system error has decreased over time!

Launching Beta October 15th

And now the Beta is upon us: this foundation set by the Alpha stage will now enable us to unlock other features. On Monday the 15th, the Beta will be launched to both all previous alpha testers — but also to over 4000 registered Beta Testers. For scalability reasons, we will divide the Beta Testers into different groups. We will start with our beloved investors, followed by the Beta Testers which have registered first, followed by adding the remaining signups, as we go along.

In the Beta stage, testers will have access to:

Educational questions

Real-time data

Market sentiment

Insight analysis

News curation

A dashboard with a summary of data, which becomes tailored to the user after several requests

Additionally, this stage will also include ‘’VIP Beta Testers’’: this will be announced in due course and will include further partners, VCs as well as influencers.

The stage we need to refine

Overall, our users know exactly what this upcoming Beta will be here to do: this stage will be critical for preparing a product that is truly ready for public release. Additionally, this Beta stage will mean fixing any remaining bugs and any small inconsistencies in the user experience. But, in addition to providing these key refinements, the Beta will mark the beginning of a marketing campaign launch. To read more about our marketing campaign, click here to read our other article.

However, as important as this Beta stage is for preparing Daneel for market, the soon-to-end Alpha period has even surprised our internal team: with Daneel’s accuracy exceeding expectations even before the official Beta period, this really does point the real success factor behind these testing periods: engagement from members of our community.

Finally, we wanted to share a small snapshot of the application to make you salivate 😎:

Stay tuned:

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