A list of things you can build on top of Cheeze Wizards

During the Cheeze Wizards’ hackathon, developers can leverage all of the game’s resources to create something truly magical

Dapper Labs
Dapper Labs
4 min readJul 25, 2019


Starting on August 1st, developers can participate in the worldwide Cheeze Wizards hackathon for prizes, glory, and a chance at grateness. You can learn more about why the hackathon is exciting, or you can go straight to signing up here.

In the lead up to the hackathon and the inaugural Cheeze Wizards tournament, we will be providing developers with a scalable API powered by Alchemy to build on, Cheeze Wizards’ art and front-end assets, and access to an engaged and qualified user base for their project. You can grab that gouda stuff here.

The possibilities are endless when you build on top of Cheeze Wizards, but here are some ideas to get you started anyways!

8 things you can create on top of Cheeze Wizards

Cheeze Wizards is designed as an open ecosystem. That means anyone can build anything on top of the platform — no parmesan necessary. We envision a future for Cheeze Wizards that’s shaped by developers and the community, one where creators and players alike capture value proportional to their contributions.

Third-party experiences

Extend the game and give the Wizards more utility!

Cheeze the Bounty Hunter

Say you wanted to see a particular Wizard get knocked out of the Tournament. You gotta know a guy who knows a guy, y’know?

You could put a “hit” out on another Wizard…

  • Ask other players to duel a target in exchange for an ether bounty
  • The player to accept the bounty contract becomes the assassin — but can fail
  • The assassin to successfully shred the target claims the bounty

Free-to-Play Duels

Maybe retired Wizards want to stay sharp after the Tournament is over. Think of it like Bingo Night at the Senior Center, but with less violence.

You could challenge each other to one-off duels without gas costs or network fees…

  • Duels cost energy and reward power
  • Energy regenerates slowly in resting periods, or quickly with ether
  • Special events affect resting and rewards, e.g. “The Ripening is upon us: Energy recharges twice as fast for 24 hours”

A Cheezy Dating Simulator

You’re the new curd on the block at the School of Spellcraft and Fizzlery. Do you go for the badboy Wizard with the fire affinity, or do you risk it all and make a play for the Mother Dragon?

You could star in your own cheezy romantic drama…

  • Generate a player character based on the most-used Wizard in your wallet
  • Correlate gear, affinity, and power levels with in-game stats and inventories
  • Source datable characters from existing Cheeze Wizards, notable duellists in the upcoming tournament, or a mix of major characters from the game’s lore and the existing Wizards
  • Shape Wizards’ backstories, and earn rewards for being totally datable

Tools and features

Deepen or enhance the Cheeze Wizards experience!

Power Exchange

He-Man, Jock Jams, or Wizard, the same catchy hook applies: “I have the POWER!” But only Wizards can sell that power in a free and fair market.

You could auction a Wizard’s power to the highest bidder…

  • Buy more power for a Wizard instead of risking a duel
  • Redistribute power among your own collection — e.g., transfer all of your other Wizards’ power to one champion

Stat Scanner

They say data is beautiful, but have you heard Cheeze Wizards data is delicious? Especially if it helps you to plan your Tournament strategy.

You could build a database of Wizards stats — affinities, accessories, forecast history, duels won and lost, power exchanged, etc.

  • Pick a Wizard you want to challenge based on filters
  • Simulate the likely outcome of a duel
  • Make awesome art with data visualization

Wizard Exchange

If there’s one thing Pokemon has taught us, it’s that the best part of collectibles is trading them.

You could open a Wizard exchange…

  • Auction your own Wizards, or buy other players’ Wizards
  • Gift Wizards to your friends
  • Make a Wizard wishlist — desired traits, accessories, classes, etc.
  • Split ownership of one Wizard among several different players

Shakespearean Insult Generator

If you subscribe to the literary classics (or online comment threads), you know that all the best duels begin with an exchange of pointed words.

You could challenge a Wizard to a battle of the wits…

  • Randomly compile Shakespearean insults based on a Wizard’s stats
  • Volley verbose barbs with your worthy opponent
  • Tweet the most eloquent of smack-downs

Tournaments and leagues

Utilize Cheeze Wizards’ smart contract infrastructure to create new events and ways to compete!

Community-Run Tournaments

First, there was the Big Cheeze Tournament. And it was gouda. And the people rejoiced. And then they went on to develop their own tournament using the existing foundational technology, because why not keep a grate thing going?

You could host your own tournaments, with your own rules and themes…

  • Play to raise money for charity
  • Host one during a live marketing event
  • Hold a LAN party with friends

If you build it…

You’ll own it, shape it, and call the shots — that’s the beauty of decentralized development, empowering users to create their own experiences using existing code and open-source resources.

The Hackathon is a celebration of your ingenuity, so go flex it!

> Get hackin’

And now, a word from our lawyers…

When you are building your projects for the hackathon, make sure that whatever you develop is legal to release in the U.S., Canada, and in your own jurisdiction. Please geoblock any jurisdictions in which your product may not be legal to use. We neither support nor condone illegal activities of any kind: projects deemed illegal in the jurisdictions in which they are accessible and marketed will not be allowed as official participants of the hackathon. We reserve the right to report anyone engaged in illegal activities to the appropriate authorities.



Dapper Labs
Dapper Labs

The serious business of fun and games on the blockchain