The people building today’s blockchain

Meet the community members innovating the future

Dapper Labs
5 min readAug 14, 2018


We’ve mentioned in the past that we’ve had a lot of copycats; but in recent months, we’ve moved beyond imitations and we’re now seeing some really incredible competition. The community is seeing CryptoKitties as proof that cryptocollectibles and other dapps are not only possible, but thriving. By doing so they’re helping turn this space into a viable, powerful, and innovative market.

So who are these blockchain leaders? Let’s meet a few.

Todd Goldberg


Goldberg is exploring and building digital goods and NFTs. He’s an advisor to @rarebits_io and an investor in both @superhumanco and @clearbit. Goldberg is also the founder of SPW Labs, which explores products and experiments around the potential of blockchains. His project CryptoGoods is part of our KittyVerse! Hey Todd!

Jutta Steiner


If you’re worried about net neutrality, you probably have a lot in common with Steiner. She’s fixing the internet using blockchain tech and Parity, the company she co-founded. They’re building software based on new peer-to-peer technology to power the future decentralised web. She posts developer-centric news and shares information about decentralized internet.

Tobia De Angelis


Building new platforms for people to engage with digital assets is an important step for the future of dapps — and that’s exactly what De Angelis is doing with CryptoDecks. It lets you discover and pin new collectibles that are on your radar, and helps you keep track of what to buy and what to sell. Follow Tobia on Twitter to see his curated shares of what’s new in the crypto world.

Cher Wang


Wang is an information and communications technology entrepreneur; you may recognize the name of the small company she’s CEO of: HTC. You might not think of HTC when you think of blockchain, but the truth is that they’re diving in deep! Their newest phone will be focused on blockchain compatibility. (And did we mention that partnership with CryptoKitties?)

Esteban Ordano


Being the tech lead at Decentraland means that Ordano is at the nexus of blockchain and virtual reality. The goal of Decentraland is to build the first virtual platform owned by its users. They’ve just released their alpha, so it’s an exciting time! Ordano posts about blockchain, gaming, and developing this unique ecosystem.

Kathryn Haun


If you want to look for the power behind the throne, check out Haun. She’s a General Partner at Andreesen Horowitz, and a member of the Board of Directors over at Coinbase. She’s making sure the builders and thinkers have the tools they need to get the job done. Follow her for insights into the other side of blockchain: the business world.

Kyle Lu


Lu is the founder and CEO of, the place where dapps shine. We’re just a little jealous of that URL, not to mention the gorgeous logo. is a space to go and learn about decentralized technology. Their goal is to understand, create, and enjoy blockchain technology.

Elizabeth Stark


As cofounder of @lightning labs, Stark knows how to build things. In fact, she knows how to build things so well, she’s taught others how to do it at both Stanford and Yale universities. Right now she’s focused on creating the next generation of decentralized, resilient financial infrastructure, and is involved with @coincenter. Follow her for Tweets about cryptocurrency and blockchain with a financial focus.

Devin Finzer


Finzer is an engineer helping the dapp layer cross the chasm through Project Open Sea, a marketplace for digital goods. He’s a great target to follow if you’re interested in thoughtful analysis of the blockchain ecosystem. He writes a lot of original content rather than just sharing other voices, and he knows what he’s talking about.

Sheila Warren


Warren is the head of blockchain technology at the World Economic Forum. And if that doesn’t impress you, you’re probably not paying attention. They’re an international organization dedicated to public / private cooperation with a focus on global issues, and they think blockchain is important enough to pay attention to. Pretty cool, right?

Matthew Campbell


If you’re all about the intersection of blockchain and gaming, consider following Campbell, co-founder of Loom. He’s Kickstarting a project to scale games on the blockchain using sidechains. He talks about the challenging of launching a startup, decentralization, and scaling blockchain gaming.

Sandra Ro


CryptoKitties recently launched their Kitties for Good initiative. If we were inspired by one person, we could lay that praise on Sandra Ro, who is a strong proponent of blockchain for good. She’s also a crypto investor, and CEO of @GBBCouncil. Follow her for crypto news with a humanitarian spin.

And while you’re following all of these blockchain leaders, why not sign up for the CryptoKitties Breeders’ Club to get the latest in product updates, new Cattributes, and Fancy chases?



Dapper Labs

Collect and breed digital cats with CryptoKitties, the world’s most successful blockchain game — built on the Ethereum network.