Navigating NFT Blockchains for Marketers: An In-Depth Guide

Ian Brillembourg
Published in
6 min readDec 20, 2023

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have emerged as a powerful component of Web3 marketing campaigns. Understanding the nuances of different blockchain platforms that support NFTs is crucial for marketers.

As a marketer venturing into the NFT space, making the right choice of blockchain is not just a technical decision; it’s a strategic one. The platform selection can significantly impact the success of your campaign, the audience you reach, and the overall perception of your brand. Here’s why careful consideration is essential:

  • Brand Alignment: Each blockchain carries its own set of values and community perceptions. For example, choosing Cardano for its sustainability focus sends a different message than opting for Ethereum with its established market presence. Your platform choice should align with your brand’s values and messaging.
  • Budget Implications: Budget constraints are a reality in any marketing campaign. Platforms like Ethereum might offer a wider reach but do have high transaction costs, potentially straining your budget. On the other hand, Binance Smart Chain (BSC) or Polygon could provide a more cost-effective approach.
  • Audience Targeting: Different blockchains have varying user demographics. Ethereum’s user base might be more tech-savvy and blockchain-aware, whereas Flow’s audience could be broader but less technical. Understanding where your target audience is most active is key to ensuring your campaign resonates and reaches the right people.
  • Technical Constraints: Each blockchain has unique technical limitations and strengths, such as transaction speeds, scalability, and ease of use. These factors can affect the execution and experience of your NFT campaign, impacting user engagement and campaign performance.
  • Future-Proofing: The blockchain landscape is rapidly evolving. Choosing a relevant platform with potential for future growth and adaptability is crucial for long-term success.

Implications of the Wrong Choice

Choosing the wrong blockchain can have several implications:

  • Reduced Campaign Effectiveness: If the platform doesn’t align well with your target audience or campaign goals, it could lead to lower engagement and reduced ROI.
  • Budget Overruns: High transaction fees on certain blockchains can quickly deplete your budget, limiting the scope of your campaign.
  • Brand Mismatch: A platform choice that contradicts your brand’s values or message can lead to a disconnect with your audience and potentially harm your brand’s reputation.
  • Technical Challenges: Picking a platform that doesn’t suit your technical needs could lead to operational difficulties, hindering the smooth rollout of your campaign.

This comprehensive guide explores Ethereum, Flow, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Polygon, Cardano, and the Tari Protocol, offering detailed insights to inform your marketing strategies.

Ethereum: The Industry Standard

Ethereum is more than just a blockchain; it’s a pioneer, the very foundation upon which the modern concept of NFTs is built. Its versatility and robustness have made it a preferred choice for a range of applications, from digital art to complex smart contracts. For marketers looking to tap into a well-established and diverse ecosystem, Ethereum stands out as a reliable and versatile option.

  • Token Standards: Ethereum uses ERC-721 and ERC-1155, enabling a range of unique digital assets.
  • Marketing Appeal: Its widespread adoption and robust developer ecosystem make Ethereum the go-to for high-profile NFT campaigns. However, marketers need to navigate high transaction costs and current scalability issues.
  • Ideal Use-Cases: Best for campaigns seeking established market presence and high-value NFTs.

Flow: Mainstream and User-Friendly

Flow enters the scene with a focus on simplicity and accessibility. It’s designed to bring NFTs to a wider audience, removing the technical barriers that sometimes make blockchain technology seem daunting. With its user-friendly approach, Flow is ideal for marketers aiming to reach a broader, perhaps less tech-savvy audience, while still leveraging the power of NFTs.

  • Token Standard: Designed specifically for NFTs, focusing on usability and efficiency.
  • Marketing Advantage: Lower transaction fees and high scalability make Flow attractive for large-scale campaigns targeting a mainstream audience. Its success with NBA Top Shot demonstrates its potential for wide appeal.
  • Ideal Use-Cases: Suited for marketing campaigns that aim to attract a broad, less tech-savvy audience.

Binance Smart Chain (BSC): Balancing Efficiency and Accessibility

Binance Smart Chain, or BSC, addresses two critical aspects important to any marketer: efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Recognized for its low transaction fees and high-speed processing, BSC is an attractive platform for those seeking to maximize their marketing budget without compromising performance. It’s a practical choice for campaigns that balance reach and resource management.

  • Key Features: Known for its low transaction costs and high transaction speed, BSC is an Ethereum-compatible blockchain.
  • Marketing Advantage: BSC’s compatibility with Ethereum’s assets and its economical transaction fees make it suitable for budget-conscious campaigns. Its growing user base and ecosystem offer a balance between cost and reach.
  • Ideal Use-Cases: Perfect for campaigns where budget efficiency and reach are priorities.

Polygon: Scaling Ethereum

Polygon is best understood as an enhancer of Ethereum, offering solutions to some of the challenges faced by the latter, such as high transaction fees and slower processing times. It extends Ethereum’s capabilities, making it more accessible and efficient. Marketers who are drawn to Ethereum’s extensive user base but are wary of its limitations will find Polygon to be an invaluable ally.

  • Key Features: Offers Ethereum compatibility with enhanced scalability and reduced transaction costs.
  • Marketing Advantage: Polygon enables marketers to leverage Ethereum’s extensive user base while avoiding high gas fees and slow transaction times. It’s an excellent choice for campaigns requiring quick, frequent transactions.
  • Ideal Use-Cases: Best for dynamic, interactive campaigns where speed and cost-effectiveness are key.

Cardano: The Eco-Friendly Option

Cardano distinguishes itself with a strong emphasis on sustainability and a research-driven approach to blockchain technology. It appeals to brands and marketers who are not only looking at the present but also considering the long-term impact of their campaigns on the environment and society. Cardano is an ideal platform for those who prioritize eco-friendliness and scientific rigor in their marketing endeavors.

  • Key Features: Prioritizes sustainability and a research-led development approach.
  • Marketing Advantage: For brands emphasizing sustainability and scientific backing, Cardano offers a platform that aligns with these values. It’s still developing its NFT capabilities, offering a green alternative in the blockchain space.
  • Ideal Use-Cases: Suitable for environmentally conscious brands and campaigns focusing on long-term credibility.

Tari Protocol: Privacy and Digital Asset Versatility

The Tari Protocol uniquely focuses on privacy and versatility in managing digital assets. It’s an excellent choice for marketing campaigns where user privacy is paramount and there’s a need for a diverse range of digital assets. The Tari Protocol offers an opportunity to explore niche markets and cater to privacy-conscious audiences.

  • Key Features: Focuses on privacy and managing various digital assets, including NFTs.
  • Marketing Advantage: Tari Protocol is ideal for campaigns where user privacy is paramount. Its focus on digital assets beyond NFTs opens up diverse marketing opportunities, especially in niches like digital collectibles and virtual tickets.
  • Ideal Use-Cases: Great for privacy-focused campaigns and marketing unique digital assets and collectibles.

Here is a quick reference table that summarizes the traits of each protocol.

There are still other protocols to consider that we won’t cover in this piece, like Algorand, which is known for its speed and eco-friendly approach, and WAX which specializes in trading virtual goods and collectibles.These platforms also provide unique features for NFTs, catering to specific marketing needs.

Selecting the right blockchain for NFT marketing hinges on understanding each platform’s strengths and aligning them with your campaign’s goals. Whether Ethereum’s broad reach, Flow’s mainstream appeal, BSC’s cost-effectiveness, Polygon’s efficient access, Cardano’s eco-friendly focus, or Tari’s emphasis on privacy, each offers unique opportunities to shape your digital marketing strategies.

Want more help deciding which protocol is best for your specific brand? Leave a comment, or email us at to learn more.



Ian Brillembourg

Great products, fun games, and crunchy data. Cofounder of Dappfuse, the world's first on-chain data platform for marketers.