Welcome to the NODE Economy

Published in
5 min readJul 17, 2021

It is our great pleasure to introduce NODE, the DAppNode DAO Token — a critical component to empower our community to build a truly decentralized universe.

The DAppNode mission is to create a transparent, resilient network that empowers its users with truly decentralized technology. It creates and maintains the infrastructure for anyone to run their own node, share information and validate blockchain-based networks — rewarding users in the process.

And now, NODE holders play a crucial part in supporting a resilient ecosystem for decentralization.

The launch of the NODE token enables our community to actively participate in DAO governance and to have a voice in building a more decentralized future. By staking node or participating in our liquidity mining program, you can amplify your voting power while simultaneously generating even more NODE. The NODE Economy provides a wealth of opportunity for participants…

…and we’re starting it off with a gift from us to you!

NODEdrop in 3… 2… 1…

We rely on our community of free-thinkers to sustain healthy innovation for DAppNode. As a token of gratitude to our early supporters, we have created the NODEdrop so you can start participating in NODEnomics today. Add NODE to your wallet using the contract addresses below and click here to claim your NODEdrop!

  • Mainnet token address: 0xDa007777D86AC6d989cC9f79A73261b3fC5e0DA0
  • xDai token address: 0xc60e38C6352875c051B481Cbe79Dd0383AdB7817

NODE Distribution

The total initial supply of 100,000,000 NODE has been distributed among our team, foundering members, the community, future DAppNode initiatives and liquidity mining rewards. The chart below breaks down the distro:

Wondering who got the ‘drop? Our community has been dropped 11% (11 million NODE) of the total initial supply. The eligible parties include:

  • Purchasers of DAppNode hardware
  • Code Contributors
  • Active community members, ranked by our sourcecred algorithm, that provided their address in our community treasury
  • Donors to DAppNode in Gitcoin Grants Rounds (with donations above $1)
  • Eth2 stakers who have self-identified as DAppNode runners by including the word “DAppNode” in their graffiti
  • Projects that have supported DAppNode over the past years

Team, Founders and the DAppNode Association, the legal entity in charge of developing and stewarding the Free Open Source Software from DAppNode will get 33%, to ensure they are aligned for the long term and continue to push to expand the mission.

Investors have 12% of the distribution, also subject to the NODEstream.

11% has been reserved for liquidity mining, of which half will be distributed over the first 6 months and the rest will be adjusted after seeing the results of the first LM round.

11% is also the allocation for the ValidatorDAO, the first project for the empowerment of small independent Node Runners to join together to provide infrastructure for an Eth2 staking pool.

Last but not least, the DAO will directly control 22% of the tokens to further its vision of decentralized infrastructure.

The NODEstream

Recipients of the NODEdrop also receive the NODEstream — a continuous stream of claimable NODE that flows for a period of 3 years. With the NODEstream, as the DAppNode economy grows, the DAppNode universe expands, and we encourage even more community participation in the DAO. On our UI can you see the amount of tokens held in the “reservoir” that are allocated to your NODEstream. Be sure to check back often to claim your NODE as it becomes available.

NODE claim page and the NODEstream

NODE is available on both xDai and Ethereum — with the initial allocation claimable on Ethereum and the NODEstream steadily flowing to users on xDai network.

Liquidity Mining

Liquidity Mining UI — Disclaimer: Actual APR may differ from what you see here

A token launch wouldn’t be complete without a generous helping of liquidity mining to keep things spicy. DAppNode has built its own Liquidity Mining program from scratch — pools are LIVE now and generating rewards!

Currently DAppNode will be offering NODE/ETH pools on Sushiswap and Uniswap along with single asset NODE staking rewards on Mainnet and xDai for the next 6 months. The total token supply reserved for this round of Liquidity Mining is 5.5% (5.5 million NODE). Of that amount, the distributions to individual pools are as follow:

  • Sushiswap NODE/ETH Pool — 40%
  • Uniswap NODE/ETH Pool — 40%
  • NODE Governance Staking xDai — 10%
  • NODE Governance Staking Mainnet — 10%

A further 5.5% of the token supply will be kept for more rounds of liquidity mining, potentially with new pools and distribution!

The rewards from the liquidity mining will be subject to the same conditions as the NODEstream: they start with 10% available from the get-go, and 90% gets liberated over 3 years. The NODEstream starts the 18th of July 2021!

Bear in mind that governance power in the DAppNode DAO is proportional to the amount user contributes providing liquidity or staking NODE in the program — so jump in and get mining! 🔨

We are 🚀over the moon 🚀 with excitement about the launch of NODE and its potential to empower our community to co-create the future of DAppNode. We want your participation as we build infrastructure, develop technology and unite to protect the free, decentralized world of the future.

Special thanks to Mitch and Lanski for content, edits, coordination and support in writing this post!

Want more DAppNode?

Or use your voting power in the DAppNode DAO!

