Onboarding your Team: Welcome to Dara!

Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2022

|| For Admins

Hello, we’re thrilled to have your organization join us on Dara, where Communities Create Social Capital. You’ll be keeping great company among our incredible Network of Partners, which you can view here.

This article is intended to explain how we’ll be going about Onboarding your core team, over the five days you blocked in our Partner Team Onboarding Meeting. Here’s a day-by-day breakdown of what we’ll be doing:


Each of these steps are meant to be no more than 10 mins long.

#1- Go over your organization's Page on Dara. Set up your Member Community & its Norms. Set up discussion Channels for your team.

#2 - Look into Events, ensure that your organizations handles are a-okay and plan a special activity for your Affiliates when they come aboard.

#3 - Explore why Dara is right for you and set a date to bring in your first community members.

#4 - Host a deep-dive event on using Dara with your core team to help move communications to Dara. Channels replace multiple working groups on other apps.

#5 - We’ll go over a Checklist to ensure that you are ready to receive your Affiliates.

After every day, we’ll be sending you this Partner and Community Onboarding Form, to treat as a checklist of all the details we’ve collected for your Partner Page and Community.


#1 (15 minutes)

  • Onboarding your Admins in a 1:1 working meetup with them. We’ll be going over your organization's Page together, in order to make sure Dara represents your organization exactly the way you want.
  • Discussing what Communities are on Dara. We’ll talk about Open and Curated Communities, and have a look at the Friends and Team Communities that we created for you. If you’d like to know a little more about starting Communities on Dara, have a look here.
  • Exploring Channel which can be Public, Private or Broadcast. Go here to read up a little more about these.
  • Explaining how we’ll be onboarding your Community Members. We’ll be sending you an article about this.

#2 (10 minute one-on-one session)

  • Doing a deep dive into setting up Channels. Our team will also explain how to post and handle Events on Dara. Go here for a two-part article series on it.
  • Making sure the handles for your organization, Communities and team are locked in. We’ll also set up a timeline for an activity that is customized to welcoming your Affiliates to Dara.
  • Fix on a date to onboard your team before we end the day with a checklist of your topic based Channels, the frequency with which you’d like your Broadcast Channels used, and the visibility settings for them.

#3 (10 minutes)

  • Exploring why your team should be on Dara as opposed to your current communications platform in a live session with them. Before we end the meeting, we’ll also discuss a target for onboarding your Affiliates

#4 (10 minutes)

  • Doing a ‘Dara Deep Dive’ Event with your team members where we focus on moving your team group conversations from your current communications platform, onto Dara.

#5 (Asynchronous)

  • Onboarding Checklist and how your Admins will receive Affiliate Member approvals.

We hope this information explains how we onboard teams to Dara. Don’t hesitate to reach out to support@dara.network if you have any questions or suggestions. Or, you can message Dara’s team directly on Dara here.

Our team is committed to giving you the best user experience.

-Dara’s team.




Where Communities Create Social Capital. Join incredible organizations and entrepreneurs, creators and change-makers on the Dara app now. www.dara.network