
Artemis Kofina
Dare to Challenge
Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2016

Who we are and our goals… (Part 1)

#Daretochallenge #RestArt #FeelLikeHome #Goals #Homeless

Nowadays, poverty is plaguing our society and affects more and more people. The homeless are increasing day by day and their life is painful. At this point our company takes action. “RestArt” is a startup company that enables homeless people to feel like home. We are a non — profit organization with a dream to make every single person feel safe and like home. Our program will not just try to find those people a home, but our main goal is to rehabilitate the homeless to our society.

Some questions in the context of #Prototypeworksheet.

Our identity is the best way to trust us! Our staff consists of six students at Panteion University, who participate at project Daretochallenge.
Kalogerakou Michaelia ~@mikakalogerakou,
Koumaneli Anna~@AnnaKoumaneli,
Kofina Artemis (me)~@arte_kof,
Masiala Kleoniki-Nikoleta~@nikimasiala,
Sfyri Niove~@niovesfy and
Tzanatou Anastasia~@anastasia_tzanatou.

Our team!!

From the very start until the final shape …

Our steps!!

In order to make our vision come true, we proceeded to a particular set of steps and we decided to work accordingly to Openideo program. First of all, we interviewed John, who sells magazines for the voluntary organization “Shedia” (http://www.shedia.gr/what-shedia-is/). We convinced him to participate to our project and he informed the rest of the homeless. After this, we decided to ask psychologists to help, cause our primary concern is to help the homeless become optimists again. Subsequently, we thought of organizing a party in order to raise money for their basic needs. However, it’s worth mentioning that the fundraising has a secondary role and is limited to the throwing of the party. Its something like “bonus”, which will not continue and will not concern us again. From now on, the main character of our project is not altered and is focused on their psychological support and their rehabilitation to our society. Our goal is to create a sustainable project that helps the homeless effectively. We intend to cooperate with “Shedia” and achieve one step every month.

Two steps by #Openideo program.

If we have managed to persuade you, join us at our social networks!
Site: http://mikakalogerakou1.wix.com/feellikehome
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RFeelLikeHome,
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/feellikehome.gr/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feel.like.home/

Our project is called #FeelLikeHome.
All together we can help John and other homeless build their future!!!



Artemis Kofina
Dare to Challenge

Student at Panteion University | Dept. of Communication, Media & Culture | Athens, Greece.