
Artemis Kofina
Dare to Challenge
Published in
1 min readJan 24, 2016

Our first campaigne!!! (Part 5)

#RestArt #Feellikehomecampaigne #performance #psychologicalsupport

As we have mentioned in previous articles, our project is focused on homeless’ psychological support and their rehabilitation to our society. So, we came into contact with Kallithea’s theatre group in order to organize a performance for our hero, John. This performance took place on Friday 22 January and was successful. About 30 people was there and they talked with John to learn his needs.

Kallithea’s theatre group

John said to us that this performance offered him a few pleasant moments so as to forget his daily stuggling. Theatre was a warm place and people cared for his problems.

At the end, the theatre group talked to us about this effort. All they need was to sensitize the public and to make the homeless happy. It’s worth mentioning that they helped us to make our first spot #Feellikehome campaigne.



Artemis Kofina
Dare to Challenge

Student at Panteion University | Dept. of Communication, Media & Culture | Athens, Greece.